lurch's dating donation thread

snow2fall said:
Expressions on my face over the course of last night after reading this: :cry: :ill: :blush: :erk: :dopey: :yell: :hypno: :)

I wouldn't go on a date with you, but I love you anyway.
Who wouldn't?! :loco:
how many times on this very forum have i said that men simply don't actively pursue purely platonic relationships with females!? :loco:

we have one, and i like it. i have a few other platonic relationships with a few other females, and i like those too. but guess what? i'd have sex with each and every one of you if the opportunity arose. it's just how men work, end of story.
Plzdatemekthx said:
Erik me and JayK talked about you at a bar once.

"he's sexy."
"oh yais."

This is the first time I've entered this thread, and THIS is what I see? Lies I tell you, ALL LIES! Although I do have a penchant for blondes. :loco: