Lyrics and that


New Metal Member
Jun 22, 2003
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I miss that thread.

This should be a good and not too obvious start.

"I'm the know it all
Trying to mend his broken heart
But I don't know who to call
And I don't know where to start

I'm the fool I never
Fool I never thought I was"
I wish we had some light
So we could follow our broken hearts
But the stage is dark, the curtain falls now
There is a blackout deep inside

these are the only piece of poetry i ever wrote in english, no there was another one too i think but i cant find it, its kinda cheesey but i like it since it got published in a poetry anthology, my first piece of published work :p
somnium_in_tenebris said:
@best some kind of contest i guess?nice:)

when i was still at school we were told about them literature/poetry contests,for like 13-35 year i took my chances a couple of times just for fun ,only me and me teacher knew.i had surprisingly good(according to my expectations)results each time and the stuff got published in a couple of books :zipit:
the headmaster had phoned my parents too,who of course were ignorant that i even write they broke my balls to just let them read what i wrote and went all depressed when i didnt:lol:
so me mom like searched ( :ill: )into bookstores and found those books about 5 years after :ill: and she read them:ill: :ill: my dad too :zzz: they even made a mate of them search old newspapers archive to find my stuff*so embarassing*
my grand-daddy whos a musician asked for my lyrics to put them into music :ill:all the family was suppressing me :lol:
theres no way i could just show them.cos id feel like naked afterwards.cos they all have a kinda superficial idea of me.they dont dont know me.anyway,they would not accept me even if they did :tickled:

anyone has a similar story?;)

i show my parents when i get published, be it a book review or a poem like that. They dont go crazy over it, they say its nice and i should keep on, my grandfather was a poet so my grandmother gets sentimental when my writings appears somewhere, she links my grandfather to me i quess... That poem i wrote was for a contest in a website, in fact they recorded that poem too along with others, i dont have the book or the recordings unfortunately :erk:
I really really wish I could post some of Ben's poetry here because it would just blow you all away. He is such a fantastic writer, but I think i've posted enough of his work elsewhere. Plus, the last four he wrote are THEE best but they are so personal about him and some that are about me that it would be sacreligious to post them. It really would feel wrong. They are soooo great though. GodDamnBen! You Rule!
Benjamin's Mashed Potato Song --By Rebecca

My little buddy, along she tags
All I can do is brag, brag, brag.
We found ourselves in an unwanted crowd
So I started singing real real loud.
It was on a warehouse elevator
And it echoed; god help us now, not later.
Everyone was staring, mouths agape like lead
While my buddy was bobbing her head,
I looked over her way with a smile,
She winked and said, "it's been a while
Since I've seen you feel so free
And your voice, it's lovely.
Tell me, why can't this be as it is now,
can't it be? Is it not your style?
You seem so happy, somehow."
I said, "Me happy? Come now,
You must be mistaken, that is vile
Dear, you were just for my ridiculing fun
So you'd better turn and run.
Damn, you are so dumb."
She returned with, "oh, I didn't know,
I thought you might have...I thought it was..."
I said, "ha ha ha NO,
you were just part of my show."
She put her head down with,
"Oh, I really must be slow."
The elevator came to a stop abruptly
And everyone left it hurriedly.
We are still standing inside
With the doors open wide
Staring each other down
from what seems like opposite sides of town.
Her heart I own, she cannot run,
And she doesn't know why
(heheh, I know it makes her cry)
I poke fun at her, fun so fun,
To her, it feels like a fully loaded gun.
This has been the mashed potato tune.
Celtic Rock Song, part 2

Into the dark of a nothing
now day came we all
together for a pretty little play.

Having found a battered old
hat that caused the stars
to all turn black, we laughed
all around and planned for
an awesome little attack.

I can feel your cold
hear your muttered curses,
can we settle this
beneath the darkened
stars of eternal loathing,
settle this tonight....

So decided we to march through
the town shrieking and cursing
and showing our hat all around.
Turning men black
Turning hearts black
Turning the sky black like
poisoned rain. (chorus)




And they fell in through
the sound of wind.
crashing teapots/teacups.
"Shall we but not go sailing?"
"Yes sailing shall we" responded Sintone.
out we go sailing went, sailing is.

Upon the water they emerged all dressed in
upon the night sky,
in a net to go sailing.
As when upon the water and love they did with.

Seen then emerging from within the water,
a long sleek tongue caressing my Sintone
on the ocean of my teacupnet.

Later, as returning to the scene,
blood had been greatly spilled,
flowing over our net
as my beautiful Sintone lay
writing in her own red ink.

I wonder how he caressed her?

Ooh, now I regret not clarifying this was to be lyrics of artists, oh well.

The only poet I ever really have gotten around to appreciate is Dane Michael Strunge, none of you will have heard of him.
Breathe, breathe in the air
Don't be afraid to care
Leave but don't leave me
Look around and choose your own ground
For long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be.

(Breathe, Pink Floyd)
Here this and know this:
With life comes freedom
with freedom comes choice
and with choice comes responsibility.
To deny responsibility is to act in bad faith
and implies a disloyalty towards life itself.
This means that one is focused on the non-life
the non-freedom and the non-choice
and one regards oneself as a victim of circumstance
and denies ones ability to change.
This is a bad turn
this is a bad turn
this is a bad turn
this is a bad turn.

(Largo/Bad Turn - Everything Serves The Moment)
Turning the page, write to cease new ideas
Thoughts - all duly recorded
Maybe someday, all the rhymes, given time
Would get justly rewarded

So long ago, you don't even know how it started
So there you go
Stashing the sketches and drafts of what has become an

Encyclopedia of all the things you've done
Expect the media to bother when you're gone

Hours and hours of sacrifice, no compromise
Forced as if under orders
Planning to take land sea and skies, but can't decide
When to cross the borders

Encyclopedia of all there is to know
Encyclopedia - but what is there to show

The piles just seem to grow
Is this ambitions one man show
There's only one man watching you, John Doe
He's both on stage and in the front row

Encyclopedia - your one and only friend
Encyclopedia - will pay off in the end

Turning around, the objective of the way you lived
Hypothetical fortune, suddenly found
You're at the gate - it's too late
Psychological torture

So long ago, since you should have put it all out there
So now you go
Leaving for us to discover the paths you have tread

Encyclopedia - all written by his hand
Encyclopedia - will we ever understand

Now he will never know
Swept away by the undertow
The world is listening now, John Doe
Come back and reap what you have sown

Andromeda II=i - Encyclopedia
Samael - A Man In Your Head

Wake up, they try to steal the man in your head
make you kneel in front of icons
they took the place which wasn't theirs
enslave you with a power they don't have
don't need to be guided
their lambs become rams
tell them the universe hides inside us all
ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer

Is it what you got or is it what they made?
holy war for holy fools
blessed are those who break the rules

Men drink the scum of rage
at the lips of warrior priests
what happened, happened again
as no one gets, you cannot win if someone lost

Streams of blood drown soldiers's hate
but mothers's tears call sons's revenge
stay away from the sectarian and gregarious
if you want to keep the precious gift we share
be right to yourself, be your own judge
and know non-resolved things
generate themselves over and over
So they collected the cripples, the wounded, the maimed
And they shipped us back home to Australia
The armless, the legless, the blind, the insane
Those proud wounded heroes of Suvla
And as our ship pulled into Circular Quay
I looked at the place where my legs used to be
And thank Christ there was nobody waiting for me
To grieve and to mourn and to pity
And the band played Waltzing Matilda
As they carried us down the gangway
But nobody cheered, they just stood and stared
Then turned all their faces away

(Eric Bogle)
Like a snake between two stones
It itches in your bones
Take a deep breath and swallow
Your sorrow tomorrow

Last Saturday I was at a Faith No More tribute gig, and somehow I found myself in the middle of the moshpit :D


"After we go to sleep
Our sun rise
I will make it the truth of painfully
helping me cover up things
I wish I never had found
Tangled up in a nice life
Put the spider in you
Watching in
You live a nice life
With the spider in you
I saved myself
for someone somewhere's
sweet caress
Something goes wrong
And all I sought was happiness
And so
In right wing fashion
We'll nurture xenophobia
And be strong
In right wing fashion
With paste and generosity
Because no one is safe
From someone somewhere's
sweet embrace
And so I have simply decided
to dislike you now" :)