Lyrics and that


a'k de tweede kamer op de tv zie
dan word ik doar niet goed wies van
zie kletst en ouwehoert wat af, dat kan ik ook, of niet dan?
den eenent zit te slapen en d'n anderen zwetst moar wat
volgens mien zit zie te hohohohoppen
hoe dan ook, ik verdien toch zat

politiek is mien gin bliksen weerd, gooi moar veur de haaien
i-j wedt altied op 't verkeerde peerd
en de schatkist licht de laaien

drankjes betaalt ze mooi niet zelf
dat wordt deur de staat geregeld
met de sex geet 't ok krek alens, der wordt flink gekegeld
komt zie 's margens uut een vremd huus, fotograaf hef 'm herkent
dan zegt hie : " 'k heb met mien secretarehehessse heel wat afgepent"

lonen omleag, priezen omhoog
hun eigen belang holt zie in 't oog
a-j 't wet te brengen dan trapt ze der wel in
een commissariaatjen is een baantjen noar mien zin
moar ik zal ow vertellen wat wi-j doar now van vind

loat ons doar moar goan zitten, wi-j wet wel hoe dat mot
ik goa niet zitten pitten en ik hol mien toesproak kort
lonen umhoog, belasting afgeschaft
zo scheid i-j 't koren van 't kaf
eerlijk alles delen, wi-j een betjen meer dan i-j
a'w alle wark verdeelt dan bunt wi-j 's middags allemoal vri-j

politiek is mien gin bliksem weerd, gooi moar veur de haaien
i-j wedt altied op 't verkeerde peerd
en de schatkist licht de laaien

Crying And Bleeding-Me

I saw you there

Forlorn in a dark spot

No one to help you out

Left alone to rot

It was too much for you to take

You could already hear your heart break

These friends were all fake

Luring you to the Devils’ fate

His sword pierced your soul

Now you cry alone

You wait for the dark angel

To deliver you from this purgatory

You Cry and Bleed…

Like anyone would be
I am flattered by your fascination with me
Like any hot blooded woman
I have simply wanted an object to crave
But you, you're not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight

Must be strangely exciting
To watch the stoic squirm
Must be somewhat heartening
To watch shepard meet shepard
But you, you're not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight

Like any uncharted territory
I must seem greatly intriguing
You speak of my love like
You have experienced love like mine before
But this is not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight

I don't think you unworthy
I need a moment to deliberate
I am the wind that breathes on the sea
I am the wave, wave on the ocean
I am the ray, the eye of the sun
I am a tomb, cold in darkness
I am star, the tear of the sun
I am a wonder, a wonder in flower
I am the spear as it cries out for blood
The word of great power
I am the depts of a great pool
I am the song of the blackbird

Who but I can cast light upon the meeting of the mountains?
Who but I will cry aloud the changes in the moon?
Who but I can find the place where hides away the sun?
AiliIath Nerenn

From the breeze on the mountain to the lake of deep blue
From the waterfall down to the sea
Never changing or ending on the voice of the wind
Sing the dark song of Erenn to me...

this is really nice!!!!
I think the lyrics are from an Irish poet, Primordial made a song of it (Dark Song)
Kneel on the ground and pray to the Lord
But will he hear your prayers
Will hear your call,
As you sit in the church
And the madman speaks...
Listen with awe at the lies he'll preach.

Only the mindless.. will listen and obey
Worldwide wars... are caused by this uproar...

Pray.. to... rest... your conscience - for the sins you
have done...
Where is your god now as you're dying alone
Brutal wounds cut deep
No miracles to heal
Watch your life now fade
He's not there to help you die...

Raised upon repulsive lies
From the time we were born
Driven into heads, holy laws...
Cast into a circle of preaching vomit
All decent holy people
Their conscience free
Massive neurosis and impending doom
And the holy power will be silent.

(Our Savior, Paradise Lost)
I might've posted that one day, for some reason that song was in my head every sunday back when I was an exchange student in the states being dragged along to church :tickled: .

Now my day is upsides down the other way :yell: , getting up at 5 :erk:
Transcending Destinies

I want to go back there

Where life and death had no meaning to me

When I kept thinking about joy and happiness

A dream with no ending, a life worth spending

No matter what was happening all around

I was a noisy melody with no sound

Regardless of the eyes staring in shame at me

I was enjoying an existence, overwhelmed to be free

And deep down inside

All was being stirred

The darkness came as a blur

Who knew that this growing soul

Has come to mould innocence

Into morbid violence

To turn a soft existence

Into a gloomy burden

Delaying a path to heaven

And now it is done

But I want to go back there