Writing Dark Lyrics


this about a band who got its name from a book? please! wasnt it him who said he got influenced by his wife's occult books while writing the lyrics for ghost of perdition?

yes, he is influenced by other bands' lyrics and titles and what he experiences but regarding the range of his vocabulary, i can confidently say he's a good reader.

nah, it is not bullshit ,the GR lyrics was an exception, go to his myspace or read more interviews with him and you will see that he doesn't read too much books at all, unless it is a short book like american psycho...it is pretty much true and i'm not getting facts straight outta my ass. Believe it or not, books are not the only sources for writing good lyrics.
In my teens I wrote some lyrics (dark or not doesn't matter) :saint: . I think every lyric (or story for that matter) is something you must feel to start with. And it is very difficult to express your feelings into words. Especially in lyrics, since those are short compared to a whole story. One of the things I always admired in lyrics is the ability to summarize vast concepts or situations in a single sentence. :worship:

Naturally reading can help, but do not stick to any one style, it will just narrow your vision. It's about the transformation of feelings to words.
And off course practice practice practice practice, they are right about that.

And some talent might help too......

The couple of songs I wrote were shit naturally, but at the time I thought some things were quite nice.....:erk:
Take a look at Carcass:

The album "Necroticism: Descanting The Insalubreous"
Especially the musically fantastic song "Corporal Jigsore Quardary"

Sounds great, but I have no clue what it means, never looked it up hahahaha

Take a medical book and browse baby browse !!!!!
Things that can infuence you to write Dark lyrics:

1)getting gangbanged

2)smoking too much

3)reading the news or magazines

4)watching tv

5)Killing animals or your family

6)getting fired

7)shooting birds

8)hitting children's faces with a shovel

9)Michael Jackson's mutation into an inverted anus

10)the hate you feel for feminist cunts

11)Losing a fight against a faggot

12)being a bipolar

13)stealing money from your dad's wallet

14)George Bush's low IQ

15)Licking your cum-drenched fingers by mistake after masturbating

16)Visiting this forum

etc, etc

seriously though, if we're talking about true dark lyrics but not "forest dark" or "goth dark" lyrics, the key influence is actually alienation...as found in nick drake's, nick cave's, morphine's lyrics for instance
think of some random gibberish that roles nicely off the tongue, write it down, then plug in words of your chosen language that are similar to your gibberish. don't get too caught up in the meaning of the phrases. that will come gradually in your interperetation. think of individual words at a time.

for example....a line that i wrote


hidy sparrows glistness dawneth thy thatchyou cray


hide he spares owes justness
dawn is my statue's cry
read books. start with the thread samsara regretfully just closed.

reading = knowledge & vocabulary, => tools for communicating emotions.
experiencing 'dark' emotion is up to you. everyone has their own interpretation or influence.
Best suggestion for writing. Aaron Stainthorpe of MDB said, "I need to find that dark, miserable place inside of me. If it's a sunny day, I can't write dark lyrics." Good advice!! Find your inner demons, man.:heh:
Writing lyrics is a lot like writing poetry, particularly poety of the balld tradition. Ballads often centre around a terrible crime, a murder or rape for example, they are very dark and often supernatural. Most writers of the ballad tradition began by writing a dark story about said terrible crime, with a super natural element and then turned it into poetry (or in your case lyrics). As a starting point, try taking a supernatural mythological horror story and write lyrics about that. An interesting point is that these ballads were often written from the perspective of the murderer or the murdered rather than from a third person view. Here's an idea, take an opeth concept album, try Still Life, now write still life as a story, see what happens, and see how you would work it into a poem. If you simply write lyrics as a disjointed series of events and phrases with no idea of a beginning middle and end you may as well add yourself to an ever growing list of sub par metal bands.
Writing lyrics is a lot like writing poetry, particularly poety of the balld tradition. Ballads often centre around a terrible crime, a murder or rape for example, they are very dark and often supernatural. Most writers of the ballad tradition began by writing a dark story about said terrible crime, with a super natural element and then turned it into poetry (or in your case lyrics). As a starting point, try taking a supernatural mythological horror story and write lyrics about that. An interesting point is that these ballads were often written from the perspective of the murderer or the murdered rather than from a third person view. Here's an idea, take an opeth concept album, try Still Life, now write still life as a story, see what happens, and see how you would work it into a poem. If you simply write lyrics as a disjointed series of events and phrases with no idea of a beginning middle and end you may as well add yourself to an ever growing list of sub par metal bands.

think of some random gibberish that roles nicely off the tongue, write it down, then plug in words of your chosen language that are similar to your gibberish. don't get too caught up in the meaning of the phrases. that will come gradually in your interperetation. think of individual words at a time.

for example....a line that i wrote


hidy sparrows glistness dawneth thy thatchyou cray


hide he spares owes justness
dawn is my statue's cry

Haha not too shabby... but it doesn't bloody make any sense! (it's ok mine don't make sense either)
Haha not too shabby... but it doesn't bloody make any sense! (it's ok mine don't make sense either)

my main focus in poems/lyrics is the way that the phrases sound. meaning is secondary, and usually very vague, which is how i like anway. for example, i had no idea what that poem would be about until i turned "hidy" into "hide he".
For fucks sake, turn off the light - that should be dark enough for you...

:lol: :lol:

btw-JoeVice, my stuff REALLY doesn't make sense, take this for example:

The Moors that had held the paradigm
In which the doors of perception were wide open
Was now filled with draped night air
And fear held a clutch on all young hearts
Whose innocent minds
Did not know, naught did not care
Of what may lay ahead
Or the havoc which laid below
But of the thought of calamity to never pass by
Never to serenade
Or wreath itself into our consciousness
And let the lies that bind imbibe into our ways of thinking
Like thieves in the cold winter, darkness
Whom come to steal the beauty of all that is beautiful
Of all things which are good to come

I have no idea wtf i am talking about here^. How the fuck can Moors hold paradigms? I must have been pretty boozed up when i wrote this.