Writing Songs for Guitar

Scourge Of Malice said:
I know what a powerchord is in a dropped tuning. But i don't get why people make a big deal about them. If it takes any effort to do a "regular" one then I don't know what to say.

I think what oinkness means is that powerchords that in regular E tuning you hold with your index and ring finger can be held in D tuning with only your index, making it possible to play them faster. But he misses the point because he assumes that people only play those kinds of powerchords.
Oinkness said:
That "I am somewhat weary of the american metal scene..." thing was a review by Lord Sepsis as he's known on this forum, and published in the Spartan Times, his college newspaper... I didn't write up that review, heh heh! :lol:

No a thread on this forum where me an 'cuntface' went absoloutley wild on your ass because you thought you were doing something for the american metal scene. Lol @ you even complaining about something that just follows a genre outright when you Rape KsE(Who btw are the most average band ever),average is being generous to be fair..... And you saying Katatonia are bad. Plus complaining about the members of the opeth forum when you are by far one of the worst pissing off The Almighty Personally and havin your big ass handed to you by him( about time too because you make thread after thread of slandering the band just because you assume something...). End of.
affinityband said:
No a thread on this forum where me an 'cuntface' went absoloutley wild on your ass because you thought you were doing something for the american metal scene. Lol @ you even complaining about something that just follows a genre outright when you Rape KsE(Who btw are the most average band ever),average is being generous to be fair..... And you saying Katatonia are bad. Plus complaining about the members of the opeth forum when you are by far one of the worst pissing off The Almighty Personally and havin your big ass handed to you by him( about time too because you make thread after thread of slandering the band just because you assume something...). End of.
Heh I've never slandered the band and Mikael couldn't pwn his way out of a paper bag. You consider his statement to be significant because you are a hardcore Opeth fanboy. If you liked korn you'd think the same of their singer's statements. It's just a matter of affection I guess.
''One innovator attacking another. It's just ignorant. It's almost like Mikael attacking a younger, faster and more refined version of themselves. Can you really blame the band for the massive breakout of fans? Is this not surprisingly similar to Opeth's move to Roadrunner? Same situation.

Mikael thinks KsE is manufactured, like a boyband with guitars... now that is the most ignorant statement I've ever heard from Mike. All that comedy routine in the live setting must be getting to his head.''

If that aint slander i dont know what is. Of course im a fanboy you genius. I wouldnt post here so much if i wasnt.
Mike didnt really own Oinkness in that thread. It's more like Oinkness owned himself by being so stupid.

''It's almost like Mikael attacking a younger, faster and more refined version of themselves.''

I don't know where to begin.:erk:
metal_wrath said:
^ That is true, although I am having trouble finding the right notes to play...

I have tried using a book of scales with fretboard diagrams and even though I am playing by the scales, the notes don't seem to fit together correctly...
this is called having an ear for melody, or not having it.
Haha, I'm cracking up laughing that you guys would take that thread as an actual serious thread, opinion, or even organized thoughts. That was just a freaking joke, which was pretty damn obvious, but I did like the big stint in the media that ensued, I'm sure I got Opeth a bit more exposure with all those bLabbamooth articles that popped out about Opeth.

Plus I wouldn't call that slander, that was pretty much a direct quote from Mike himself, haha.... you didn't see the interview? Mikael said that exact statement, about manufactured boyband with guitars. :-\
Opethian666 said:
I think what oinkness means is that powerchords that in regular E tuning you hold with your index and ring finger can be held in D tuning with only your index, making it possible to play them faster. But he misses the point because he assumes that people only play those kinds of powerchords.

Yes, I know, what I'm trying to say is I really don't think it makes much of a difference, as power chords in regular tuning are already easy enough to play as it is. :)
Scourge of Malice said:
Yes, I know, what I'm trying to say is I really don't think it makes much of a difference, as power chords in regular tuning are already easy enough to play as it is. :)
Sure, but you can't play them as fast as you can in drop-D tuning.
Oinkness said:
Sure, but you can't play them as fast as you can in drop-D tuning.

The thing is I feel that you can. I don't think that just because you have two other fingers on the next two strings that it really inhibits your speed... its still same basic movement and feeling since your index finger is still on the same string... I guess the fact that you could hammer on/pull off a few frets away could change that though.. But I've never really tested how fast I could play each way so maybe I'm wrong :)
Scourge of Malice said:
The thing is I feel that you can. I don't think that just because you have two other fingers on the next two strings that it really inhibits your speed... its still same basic movement and feeling since your index finger is still on the same string... I guess the fact that you could hammer on/pull off a few frets away could change that though.. But I've never really tested how fast I could play each way so maybe I'm wrong :)
I think I may have told you this before but your signature is full of inbred Avril Lavignes. I don't know who they are but I'd tap all dat.
Oinkness said:
Haha, I'm cracking up laughing that you guys would take that thread as an actual serious thread, opinion, or even organized thoughts. That was just a freaking joke, which was pretty damn obvious, but I did like the big stint in the media that ensued, I'm sure I got Opeth a bit more exposure with all those bLabbamooth articles that popped out about Opeth.

Plus I wouldn't call that slander, that was pretty much a direct quote from Mike himself, haha.... you didn't see the interview? Mikael said that exact statement, about manufactured boyband with guitars. :-\

Look you stupid sack of shit. You are gettin on my tits because you dont read things properly. You dont take anything in, and always, ALWAYs assume your right. Yeah guess what, Mike did say that(btw did read the article you heffer). And its what anyone with a fucking brain would say. I was saying you pointed out what mike said, bought it to attention and then gave them bad words back. If you think your doing anything justice, wrong there. All you did was piss everyone else off. which is infact whats wrong with this forum, people getting pissed off at the people who dont back down, so in turn it doesnt stop for quite a while... And the only reason it does is that you or metal_wrath ends up stopping because you feel you are higher up than the rest..Where as you with your wank argument provoking comments, ends up with pages upon pages (like this one...the KsE thread etc etc) with people gettin pissed off because your such a non-responsive knob.this then amounts to your total 1167 posts of garbage.