Lyrics Discussion Thread (do NOT post RRF lyrics)

its weird cuz the song as alexi has described it up until now should make alot more sense....hmmmmm and i think that would we are both completely wrong except for a few parts...i guess ill have to listen close and make some sense out of it....anyone else got suggestions for blooddrunk lyrics cuz i keep getting the same thing?
It is:

"Ready for another drink anyways"
"Yes you die, take another shot"
and maybe
"wasted again - decide or play with faith"
"degenerate blooddrunk with your razorblade"
thanks man im in no way good at this bout the rest of the song or is mine pretty much accurate
I don't know if any of you actually have Tokyo Warhearts on CD or anything but I just got it today and there's lyrics printed for every song on there, INCLUDING Deadnight Warrior, Lake Bodom & Hatebreeder!!!!

There's only one small section for each one but it's something.


Your accession in all the northern light... You know I've got no fucking other souls guilty now... I've got no find, no fucking thoughts, so? A congregation, now you're fucking dead!

There's lyrics for Hatebreeder on Bestbreeder album... Look

"I'm accessing in all the northern light, you know I got no fucking other souls,guilty now
I've got no fine, no fucking thoughts, so, a combination, now you're fucking dead."

wtf? :lol:
^ :lol:

I don't understand why they won't give the lyrics in the booklets, it will probably just mean that some people won't bother to buy their albums.
Blooddrunk Lyrics

the lyrics are
They said drinking is a way to die.
But i fear, dying is a way to drink.

I'll break or dance, let you decide.
Too much of foreign you bring on by.
Do you have something to blame in such short time?
You are the one crying.

Degenerate, throwing the wreck of life.
Someone is spilling your own blood.
That's very hot, scars already made.
Ready for another drink anyone?

They talk to you but no we don't.
We thought maybe you could restore.
Day over day, they should get it hard
Yes we die, they could never stop.

Wasted again.
Decide or play with Faith.
You call me insane.
You get me Blooddrunk with a razor blade.

Degenerate, dropping the wreck of life.
Someone is spilling your own blood.
That's very hot, scars already made.
Ready for another drink anyone?

Wasted again.
Decide or play with Faith.
You call me insane.
You get me Blooddrunk with a razor blade.

Wasted again.
Decide or play with Faith.
You call me insane.
You get me Blooddrunk with a razor blade.
There's lyrics for Hatebreeder on Bestbreeder album... Look

"I'm accessing in all the northern light, you know I got no fucking other souls,guilty now
I've got no fine, no fucking thoughts, so, a combination, now you're fucking dead."

wtf? :lol:

:lol: Why are they fucking different? Ghey.
Can you say what you don't know?
In darkness of the odds
The wrecking voice is getting nearer
Awaiting the first sixpounder

Well, let me show you battle
That's from the path of hate
What it takes to bring you down
Like a spark resist you
Go go!!!

I refuse to be brought down by you
Praise is far away from what you do
Not only are you cranking up my brain
I'm ready to blow you away... 666 (...pounder)

Hey! Wanna see the darker time
A time that never ends
It'll be too late for you
When you try to persuade me by
Load the sixpounder!

Can you say what you don't know?
In darkness of the odds
What it takes to bring you down
Like a spark resist you

I refuse to be brought down by you
Praise is far away from what you do
Not only are you cranking up my brain
I'm ready to blow you away... 666

^^something like that....:kickass:
hellhounds on my trail

watching the cunt
but before im into worries
i do better think fast
step beyond the legs
risk selfdestruction
one more sucker
wait again
to the wrong turn
to the right direction
too many fuckin gonna turn
going too fast
when you call me outrageous
as a questioner

no feelings - you destroy me H A T E
we're welcome - we're on this show E N D

what the hell was that?
its a battle name
tied down everything long before
blaming all the suckers
i dont give fuck
til theyre coming down
where i go
or hes gonna stop me
and when i hear the voice
so you better take care of me now
knowing that ive always gotta come back
til the end of life has arrived

things happen while i grow
noone to catch my fall
becoming dull is all i know
resurrection - friend or a foe

no feelings - you destroy me H A T E
we're welcome - we're on this show E N D

gone too fast
i'm caring about the truth
so tell me how
fuck this i wake
ive been loved before right now
after ive been down
well if you dont need to
resurrect a shadow of myself

no feelings - you destroy me H A T E
we're welcome - we're on this show E N D

no feelings - you destroy me H A T E
we're welcome - we're on this show

remember me, seventeen
come on, get you going
have i told you i would return
come on, get you going
gotta get on the way
but the butcher
youre allowed to lie
i disapprove my body
eat my dinner
you dull stupid role model
whos about to rock

things happen while i grow
noone to catch my fall
becoming dull is all i know
resurrection - friend or a foe
friend or a foe
risk 'souldestruction' -> Selfdestruction?
to the right 'time action' -> Direction?

Looks pretty good otherwise. ^_^