Lyrics meanings

Symphony X

Oct 29, 2002
Ancient Lands Lost In Time
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Hi there! i've just joinned the symphony x forum...
I'm a brazilian fan, and I really love Symphony X...
Besides listening to the songs, i also like the lyrics meanings, but some part of the songs are really hard for me to understand, manly 'cause i'm stil learning english.
I'd like some help:

"A charging Steed" - What does charging mean?

King Of Terrors:
"Iron Shadow's cast" - what does this frase mean?

that's it for now.. thanx....
Originally posted by Symphony X
Hi there! i've just joinned the symphony x forum...
I'm a brazilian fan, and I really love Symphony X...
Besides listening to the songs, i also like the lyrics meanings, but some part of the songs are really hard for me to understand, manly 'cause i'm stil learning english.
I'd like some help:

"A charging Steed" - What does charging mean?

King Of Terrors:
"Iron Shadow's cast" - what does this frase mean?

that's it for now.. thanx....

A "charging steed" would refer to a charging horse, like a charging bull, right? My guess is that phrase is poetic is some way. I forgot that part of the song, so I couldn't recall what the rest is. But thar phrase within itself means little. What's important is the context that it's in.
Originally posted by Symphony X
Hey RequiemX thanks for the attention... but i still didn't understand... isn't there another word to define "charging steed"?

charge Pronunciation Key (chärj)

v. intr.
To rush forward in or as if in a violent attack: dogs trained to charge at intruders; children charging through the house.
To demand or ask payment: did not charge for the second cup of coffee.
To postpone payment for a purchase.
Accounting. To consider or record as a loss. Often used with off.

steed Pronunciation Key (std)
A horse, especially a spirited one.

Hopefully those help. So basicly, a horse rushing forward.
"Iron Shadow's cast" might stand for "Iron that is covered in Shadow colour"

(dictionary) - cast: overspreading of one thing onto another: the overspreading of something, especially an added color, that results in modification of the hue or general appearance of something else

Shadow casts (covers) the iron with it's "colour"

Word "cast" has a zillion meanings, so that's just one way of seeing it. Or TRYING to see it...

...something like that?
Originally posted by Jaska Jokunen
"Iron Shadow's cast" might stand for "Iron that is covered in Shadow colour"

(dictionary) - cast: overspreading of one thing onto another: the overspreading of something, especially an added color, that results in modification of the hue or general appearance of something else

Shadow casts (covers) the iron with it's "colour"

Word "cast" has a zillion meanings, so that's just one way of seeing it. Or TRYING to see it...

...something like that?
Originally posted by Jaska Jokunen
"Iron Shadow's cast" might stand for "Iron that is covered in Shadow colour"

(dictionary) - cast: overspreading of one thing onto another: the overspreading of something, especially an added color, that results in modification of the hue or general appearance of something else

Shadow casts (covers) the iron with it's "colour"

Word "cast" has a zillion meanings, so that's just one way of seeing it. Or TRYING to see it...

...something like that?

oh yeah! thanks a lot...
Originally posted by Jaska Jokunen
"Iron Shadow's cast" might stand for "Iron that is covered in Shadow colour"

(dictionary) - cast: overspreading of one thing onto another: the overspreading of something, especially an added color, that results in modification of the hue or general appearance of something else

Shadow casts (covers) the iron with it's "colour"

Word "cast" has a zillion meanings, so that's just one way of seeing it. Or TRYING to see it...

...something like that?
The "iron shadow's cast" is all that's in the "iron shadow". I think it is implying a land controled by evil. Similar to the iron curtain.