If we're being serious, there's no way for IF to be great again. They are boring middle aged guys now, obsessed with the American dream of having big name producer and being on good ol' US rock stations. They can't even write their own music anymore, Howard has to help (despite the idiotic claims that his writing credits in the songs are just there as gratitude, lmao).
What made their music great was youthful energy and desire to prove themselves. Neither are there anymore, and they never will be. Even if you somehow get all of the 1999-2010 members again together, fired Benson and went back to Nordstrom, it wouldn't be like it was before. That's life. Even THE, as much as I love that band, doesn't capture the magic of the past. They reframe it as mature songwriters and it's really great, but it's not TJR, Gallery, Clayman, Damage Done, etc. Just not the same vibe.
I love listening to new bands because you can hear that enthusiasm to just make and release music. Taking chances, doing something different, not in a position to recycle their own material or past templates because they don't exist yet. Most bands I love their initial releases and then over time they become less interesting. Might release a great album out of nowhere, but not usually, especially if they've been going for years without any hiatus.
I'd love to find a new In Flames, but in MDM sphere at least I haven't come across it yet.