M.O.D. merch?

Frankie 86

Frankie 86
Nov 27, 2006
Hey Billy,

What does a fan need to do to buy an M.O.D. t-shirt? Is there any M.O.D. merch sold online? I've been dying to get my hands on the shirt you sold during the Rebel tour. Can I still get one?

If not, you better come to Montreal once the album is out so I can shake you hand and leave with a fucking t-shirt! :kickass:

Descrimination against the weight challenged?! Oh well, with the amount of beer i drink im sure it wont be long till i grow into the bigger sizes :kickass:
My roomate is gonna start an online store.
I am doing shows in june..
we will have shit going eventually
I'm sure he will print extra.

So you're saying you completely sold-out the merch from the previous tour? You don't even have a large one collecting dustballs in a closet somewhere?
