J the TyranT

Thats just how it is...
Dec 14, 2001
Well, it has arrived, and I just set this fucker up. Figured I'd post about it to you gents.

PowerMac G5 2.0 ghz dual, 1gb DDR2 for now.

Hooray... now I just need to learn how ta use da motherfucker.

J, you'll find out that it's incredibly easy to learn how to use it. It's not *all* that different from the XP GUI. Congrats on a great machine by the way, and be sure to pick up a new two-button mouse, the Mac *does* have a right click for menu, contrary to popular belief. :lol:

Congrats J! My biggest complaint is the thin scroll bar in Safari that can be a pain to grab. If theres a way to make it bigger, I can't figure out how to do it.
Radd said:
Congrats J! My biggest complaint is the thin scroll bar in Safari that can be a pain to grab. If theres a way to make it bigger, I can't figure out how to do it.

Isn't it under preferences in Safari? It is either there or in System Preferences with appearance.
It shipped with the new mouse, so, luckil, I've got that.

But, let me see if I've gotten this straight... I've got this old PT 6 LE disc... and Tiger only runs 7... so I need to pay another fuckin $75 for PT 7 to finally get up and running? Aggravation already...
Nope, 002 =P.... Im not THAT retro, g'dammit.

So that's the only solution? Buy -more- shit from these bastids?
Had the $$$ to do it, and my buddy hooked up me with his employee discount and what not. Figured it'd made more sense to work from this angle for now.. and maybe later get around to building a PC for the best of both worlds.
006.. I hope not. No point in doing so.

Same as the modeler versus tube amp thing.

I'd rather discuss the Caine/Hackman Theory; The theory purporting that at any given time, on any given channel, there is always a Michael Caine or a Gene Hackman film being shown.
EtherForBreakfast said:
006.. I hope not. No point in doing so.

Same as the modeler versus tube amp thing.

yea exactly. . pc's are modelers, and mac's are tube amps, but at the end of the day. . . the mac sounds a little better but gives you way more aggrevation.

you mac heads sware your computer never crashed, but then how is it possible that i've beared witness to <exaggeration> 27 of the most gruesome mac crash sequences. </exageration>

you've stared the "beachball of death" in the eye before, praying to god your mix is intact. . haven't you? you know what i'm talkin bout. . .

no war necessary, but i just hate how mac users think their syntax errors don't stink. . .

i'm just being a dick out of boredom, J, i am very happy to hear that you bought a new system, i recently bought a new dell notebook, we will be looking forward to hearing the music you create with it.. cheers
I've not had any crashes on my Mac G5. Ever. Not one. And I've had the system for over a year, doing lots of music and other tasks.

Congrats on your purchase, you'll be very happy, I am still amazed at how much processing I can throw at my G5!