macho stubborness thread


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
this is the second day in a row it has been pouring out on my lunch break and when i got in from lunch all soaked yesterday i was informed that the office has spare umbrellas in the supply closet.

so what did i do today when it came time for lunch? i walked right out into the rain without an umbrella because i am a man and i can withstand the elements.

and now i am soaked and starting to feel a little cold coming on.

but i have reaffirmed my manliness.
i have a cold now, but my fiancee thought last night it was because i had carbon monoxide poisoning from her crappy furnace which we were told by the furnace repairman yesterday is leaking a bit and would be condemned by the gas co should they see it.

i think it's just the sniffles. mostly beacuse i'm still alive.
I thought I didn't own an umbrella until I found one buried in my truck the other day. I wanted to burn it just to prove my manliness as described above.
To further this manliness, I propose a hunting trip but we won't use sissy weapons like rifles. Instead, I'll bring a mobile anti aircraft gun and we'll fish with dynamite. And no hunting trip would be complete without evening trips to the strip joint, which will heretofore be refered to as "base camp."
That's too city for me. Any weapons brought must be manhandmade before leaving for the trip. The strippers and dynamite can stay, but they must be cave women and we have to light the dynamite with flint stones instead of unmanly matches or a lighter.
OMG i can't believe this thread exists when at at MINIMUM 20 minutes ago i was talking to my dad about guys not ever wanting to use umbrellas.
I think I can explain mens' widespread aversion to umbrellas:

--> Not manly AT all
I braved the elements yesterday without an umbrella and I am feeling fine, my friend said hey, dont leave you'll catch a cold. You know what I did? I said no, I won't.