Mad Season?

Sorry - I'll be the first to answer, and it's not a good one:

I was never an AIC fan, nor Mad Season. Just didn't have anything special to my ears. From that whole Seatlle scene - I only really liked Pearl Jam.
I think 'Above' is an excellent album. When I first heard it I didn't really like it much, but after a few listens I was blown away!

It's a very subtle album and probably the most depressing one I've ever heard! All up, it is just beautiful.
I don't have any Second Comming CD's, although I have heard of them and I think at one stage have even heard some of their material (thats if it was them, I can't really remember).

Doesn't Layne Staley perform on some tracks?

I have the Second Coming CD - and like the tune Soft. And Soundgarden was OK - but really only loved the song : Hands All Over - the others were OK.
Mad Season is pretty cool. I like Alice in Chains a lot, I just wish Layne Staley would get off his damn drugs so they can start making some music again. I'm looking forward to Jerry Cantrell's new one though.