Maiden Downunder Trade Place

Originally posted by phlogiston
The Iced Earth stuff is funny. I can read most of one, but the rest is stuffed and comes up with a corruption error. I haven't looked any further.

The Direct CD one worked, once I got the reader. Just so you know, Direct CD is the work of the Devil, and I shall be burning the CD for you (with actual fire, I mean) after I've copied it properly.


Yeah I know, one of them had some program on it that meant I couldnt view any of the files until I had it, it was weird (and stupid!). Im pretty sure everything worked for me when I tried it, but theres a LOT of stuff on there so I may have missed the corrupted stuff.
Yeah, and that program is incompatible with WinXP. But there is a XP compatible version, so everything in OK (Kinda).

Southy: Yes, I'll send you volume 4 as well. I've just gotta get around to compiling it. I don't know what will be on it yet, either, so it may be very, very short.
It's a good thing I drive a ute, otherwise I don't think I'd have been able to get the box of Spawn's stuff home from Melbourne!!

Thanks Blitz. :)
Originally posted by Sydo
It's a good thing I drive a ute, otherwise I don't think I'd have been able to get the box of Spawn's stuff home from Melbourne!!

Thanks Blitz. :)

Much rockly and metally goodness is contained inside :D
Hey Spawn, there are 4 videos that I can't watch. :(

If they are NTSC programmed, it's some weird version that I've never seen before. I may try them on my in-laws system to see if they work.
Ahhh freaking crap... They all worked on my tv, I dont know whats wrong with them, as far as I know they are just normal NTSC... Weird. Stupid bloody NTSC systems. Everyone should use PAL!
Umm, nah, well yeah... Well only if you can, if you cant, no dramas, I just wanted some of the best shows so I could send them to a friend in the States who likes Iced Earth, but I dont think they can be copied.
If it doesnt work, smash the tape in frustration, look at the others and go "Well? Anyone else wanna be a troublemaker?"
Is the problem that the picture is all split up like into 5 parts and all fragmented????

If that is the case, just adjust the V-Hold on your TV. I learnt that after I gave the videos to Blitz thinking they didn't work at all hahahahaha!
It looks like I'm not gonna be able to copy them. :(
I'll try a few things tomorrow, but it's not looking good.