Maiden Downunder Trade Place

Johns could still make some magic, he can win the game on his own if he has to......
hey Spawny why don't you pass the cd's onto me seena s I live not far from you and I can burn them down for you....might make life easier than sending the originals down to melb. something for me to do on my time of wrk and late into the night in my insomnia suffered nights.
Well, I dont mind sending the originals, my brother has a cd burner, but I dont like him and dont want to have to ask him if I can use it every time I want to burn something, I can send the originals, I dont listen to the cds much lately because ive got lots of new stuff! :)
Thanks though! :) :D
Bucko: those both sound great, but I think I will go with the Dio one, as I have always wanted to him Ronnie's take on the classic Sabbath. :)

Sydo: No worries, I can send up Spawny's stuff for you, or you can wait until next time I'm in Melb, is up to you. I will be there for the Edguy Espy gig, but am not sure when I will be down again after that. I can chuck in a vid with those two Dio shows too if your interested.

Guys, my email is , or you can just PM me and we will sort something out. :)
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg
I will be there for the Edguy Espy gig..

That's Saturday 11th of May yeah?
If so, I could meet you somewhere that day..