Maiden Downunder Trade Place

Yeah, id like to be Lord and Master of the world, god you would ALL be sorry then mwahahahahaha!
Blizty , both are Audio on a scale of 1 to 5 i'd say a 3.5 for each.
Burning the Cross.27/11/1980.
1. Intro
2. War Pigs
3. Neon Nights
4. Nib
5.ildren of the Grave.
6 Sweet Leaf
7.Black Sabbath
8.Heaven & Hell
9.Iron Man
10.Die Young
11. Paraniod.
Total Time: 73.21 recorded from soundboard.

Ozzy Meets the Priest:15/11/1992
1.Children of the Grave.
2.Children of the Sea.
3.Symptom of the Universe.
4. NIB
5. Die Young.
6.Into the Void.
7.Heaven & Hell.
8. Sweet Leaf.
9. Neon knights
10. Black Sabbath- Ozzy
11.Fairies With Boots - Ozzy
12.Iron Man- Ozzy
13.Paraniod- Ozzy.
Total Time : 75.00 Recorded from Audience sound a bit muddy at times.
Also found 3 more legs of Sabbath.
Live in America 1974 - The California Jam(excellant) if you have seen BS Story Vol 1 this is from that.Total Time : 68.10
Live in Europe 1970- paris I think Total Time : 50.52
Live In USA- Dio live on 5 Tracks . Ian Gillan on other 5 Gillan sings , Children of Grave, HotLine, Zero the Hero, Smoke on the Water, Paraniod.

Blitzy let me know what you think - Cheers Bucko.
Blitz - If Spawns Iced Earth tapes are coming to me next, I'd better email you my address or something..

Or you could tell me a date when you will be in Melbourne next, and I 'may' be able to meet you there.
Sydo I got the W.A.S.P. videos today, thanks!!!

Why on earth are the BEST parts of Live @ The Lycium missing from the version I had!! How good are Tormentor and School Daze and stuff!

I didn't get to send yours today because someone still has my Decline video and I can't get it back till tomorrow so they'll be sent Monday now and you'll have them on about Wednesday probably.
Well I havn't seen the other version, so I don't know what was missing. But Tormentor and School Daze do rock! :headbang:
I've gotta say that The Torture Never Stops and Sleeping In the Fire are probably my favourites though! :D
Stupid Spawny went downstairs right now and looked outside his front door, and guess what? His videos from Sydo had been sitting there all day.

Lesson number one: It pays to leave your room sometimes :headbang:
Thanks Sydo, ill send you the money to cover the tapes :D
Im having a crisis, watch the Brisbane/Newcastle game which promises to be one of the games of the year, or watch the Wasp tapes?
hEH hEH , bloody Queenslanders oops I was born up that way.
Actually I am boasting now but I was good mates with Andrews brother Keith used to see him very school hols in Beudesert just outside of Brisbane, Andrew was such a sook then but he was only 3 yrs old.
I like it when, even if the guys head was seperated completely from his body, the offender goes "I got him on the chest" :lol:
Yeah cause with these number new jumpers every thing just slides up, just ask Martin Lang ( sorry can"t spell the Broncos player who did the high shot).