Maiden in Australia??

I'm confused, or maybe being the new person I dont get your sense of humour. Are you guys actually Maiden fans? Let me pose this hypothetical - if Maiden DID actually tour here, would you guys actually go to the gig(s)? Or would you just stay home and take the piss?
Hell yes, we would all be there, we all love their music and are great fans but that doesnt mean they (or their stinking manager) are perfect :)
Fuck yeah, I'd be there. :rock: I'd probably go to a few gigs - Sydney, Melb, Adel for example.

But shit, I've been saying so for the past 8 years! A lot of people here have probably been waiting for them to tour again since '93.
Mark said:
This will be followed by the re-re-released Best Of, "I Can't Believe You're Still Paying For This Shit", and the 3-disc, 20-minute DVD entitled "Rolling In Money And Giggling".

The_Prisoner said:
Sweet! *If* they ever toured here again, it'd be great to meet up with you all, go to the gig, and then get blotto afterwards!
I wouldn't be able to :( One time Maiden play Brisbane in 20 years and I'd be on the other side of kin planet! :mad:
Pah! They won't play the UK now until the next tour - they seem to think one overpriced festival in the middle of nowhere is enough. *mutter*
They'll play, they'll play. :) A nice comfy gig at the Labatts Apollo, or even Earls Court again (I quite enjoyed that). Why they don't do Wembley Arena I'll never know mind you. And if they could start or end their tour with a 'secret' gig at the Brixton Academy that would be nice too. :)

TP - yes we are fans, but that doesn't mean to say we can't take the piss. :) As wonderful a band as they are, they are not perfect and therefore leave a fair bit of pisstake manouvering room. ;) And yes, I will go to see them, although I will only go once on any given tour now, having learnt my lesson on the last one. £30 for a repeat is a little steep in my opinion. :)
I hope they don't play Wembley - what a fuckin tinpot shed that dump is.

I'd love to see them at the Apollo (that's the Odeon, yeah?).
Absolutely Maiden aren't perfect, you only have to listen to their albums from the 90's to realise that!

I guess I just don't hold a grudge against the band for stuff like no tour, or too many live/best of releases. That'd be Smallwood's fault right?

Anyway's no biggie, I guess I just didn't quite understand initially where you guys were at, but you've all been so kind to clarify the point!
Prisoner, the deal is most of us here have history dealing with EMI, M. Coppel and others...

Its like too easy to get burned to try and believe they *might* come here again and then see it fall through again.. ouch...

But you keep on hoping :) thats your right !

Up the Irons !
Actually I shouldn't imply that I have a problem with best of/live releases. RiR and Eddie's Archive are great!!!

A Real Live One, A Real Dead One back in 93/94 however were a bit dodgy though.

But I would assume that Maiden would have contractual obligations to release 'x' amount of discs per so many years.

As far as the no tour in Oz since '92, well it's very dissapointing. But they were only here twice in the 80's when their popularity peaked, so not having seem them on these shores for the last 11 years, given the 3 albums that have been released since, is no real surprise. Still I'm sure the band members would like to come do some shows here, but it's not up to them to get on the phone and talk to promoters and the like is it. As someone pointed out earlier in this thread, the promoters didnt offer them enough money, and our weak dollar would not have helped the cause.

Yeah I hope they come here, who here wouldn't?