Maiden news!


Apr 14, 2001

"Hi folks, well thanks for the e-mails, we've all been very busy - in the studio and I toddled off for the weekend to take in the sights and sounds of cobbled Lisbon. The Iron Maiden sessions are progressing extremely well, and we'll actually be finished all the guitars today, with Janick doing some final acoustic guitar overdubs today, and then we've got to finish up all the vocals with Bruce tomorrow and next week. We've got Jeff Bova (who programmed and arranged the great strings on Blood Brothers and Nomad, off the Brave New World album) working on a couple of orchestral arrangements for two songs at his studio in New York, and then we've a few simple keyboards to overdub in London and we'll be ready to mix, probably by the beginning of April! Nicko is back in sunny Florida sending us funny e-mails and drinking vintage French Bordeaux, Davey is off to Hawai'i this weekend for some fun in the sun, and Jan is hanging around grey old London, playing football and drinking a few pints at his smoky local every now and again! Steve is becoming quite the cunning linguist - learning his Portuguese from tapes, and Bruce is flying Boeings around the place, Iceland and Greece seem to be the chief destinations! Adrian, I think, will probably go fishing and I will go back to my home in New York in May, in time for the summer when I plan to write a book on some of my war stories from the studio! And that's all the news that's fit to print. Cheers...."


