Main differences between MAC vs PC


Jul 31, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Im just curious, whats the main differences\advantages with a MAC vs a PC in music productions? If the MAC and PC have identical specs of course..

thank you
less if not any viruses with a mac. The bigger they get though, people will start making viruses for them also. Mac people say it runs with less bugs and less hardware issues. Less software for macs. Some companys only do a pc version of their software.
flhctroll said:
less if not any viruses with a mac. The bigger they get though, people will start making viruses for them also.QUOTE]

yes, this is the point though, only reason macs dont have viruses is that the only people who make the time to make viruses are linux using pc goers. eventually macs are going to need the same safty precautions pcs need. but its only dumbasses/porn downloaders who get viruses on pcs.

"new email eh... oh, from someone i dont know... d3athoxor5kerneldisintegrato0z.exe..... hmmmm, i think ill install it, see what it does." :lol:

but, as far as pc v mac goes in music production, its really a protools v cubase/nuendo argument, in which case, they both have their pros and cons, its a matter of which 'you think' has the better pros. me? im a pc user all the way, because after a mix down i can, you know, play video games and such.

MrLee said:
so people choose MAC because of the stability then? and thats all?

and no, people choose macs because their are fashionable. their processing abilities are no match for amd pcs, and theyve roped in intel to try and quash this, but amd > intel. and then when you start to mod pcs and overclock the processors, there is no match.

its the same as all those assholes buying the 2 seater 'smart' cars, image over practicallity.
i like both, both obviously have their issues though. Macs seem sleek to me compared to pc's, pc's seem gritty and diy, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Pc - games, illegal programs are easier to find, they can do anything a mac does for the most part. Mac - sleek, fast, well designed, expensive, great media tools, there's a fair share of mac only audio tools.

it's all down to what you prefer, because you can make a pc as fast as the best mac and vice versa, although money is a factor.

if you've never tried a mac you should try one before you blindly hate them.
My opinion on this somewhat tamed ( I expected the flamewars) debate, is Pc users use their computers almost for everything ( with exceptions, of course) whereas Mac users get them just for one or two things.
Why I'm speaking about the users? cause they are the main reason why some computers work badly. Well, that and Microsoft's virtual superglue named Windows Xp.
If you run a mac and a pc side by side with legal software and similar specs, there's a minimal difference between them, it's only finding what makes you feel more confortable ( I use both platforms for different jobs)
Personally, I prefer Macs for imaging cause of the better gamma on screens and better ram menagement. The OS is Pc's main fault on their bad press IMO
SimonAdams said:
flhctroll said:
less if not any viruses with a mac. The bigger they get though, people will start making viruses for them also.QUOTE]

yes, this is the point though, only reason macs dont have viruses is that the only people who make the time to make viruses are linux using pc goers. eventually macs are going to need the same safty precautions pcs need. but its only dumbasses/porn downloaders who get viruses on pcs.

"new email eh... oh, from someone i dont know... d3athoxor5kerneldisintegrato0z.exe..... hmmmm, i think ill install it, see what it does." :lol:

but, as far as pc v mac goes in music production, its really a protools v cubase/nuendo argument, in which case, they both have their pros and cons, its a matter of which 'you think' has the better pros. me? im a pc user all the way, because after a mix down i can, you know, play video games and such.

and no, people choose macs because their are fashionable. their processing abilities are no match for amd pcs, and theyve roped in intel to try and quash this, but amd > intel. and then when you start to mod pcs and overclock the processors, there is no match.

its the same as all those assholes buying the 2 seater 'smart' cars, image over practicallity.


Ok what a load of shit. Lets start this off at the top of this heaping pile of incorrect information that is completely biased and uneducated.

1. People who create viruses and malware in general I can gaurantee almost 100% are all Linux users. They hate Microsoft and Windows. Try e-mailing Microsoft and asking for even just a 25-line portion of the source for their operating system. You'll be lucky if you survive until the end of the week. Now, e-mail Apple and ask for the entire source code of OSX...they gladly share it.

2. "me? im a pc user all the way, because after a mix down i can, you know, play video games and such." Yes because there are no games whatsoever that have ever been made for Mac in the history of electronic gaming. Also...with the new Intel CPU's and the capability to boot with WinXP you can play any game you had previously played before on your Mac...with better results to boot.

3. "and no, people choose macs because their are fashionable. their processing abilities are no match for amd pcs, and theyve roped in intel to try and quash this, but amd > intel. and then when you start to mod pcs and overclock the processors, there is no match."
This makes me laugh so hard it's not even funny. You want to know why I switched years ago? Because I had been a die hard PC user for years and years until I started working as an apprentice at a multi-million dollar studio that used G4's. G4's with like 1.6gHz CPU's and 4gb of RAM...running ProTools Video sessions with like 40 something audio tracks each with plug-ins and automation, still recording shit, and meanwhile, burning dvd backups of sessions in the background. I'd like to see your AMD machine with the same exact specs even try to handle that. Nevermind the fact that if you actually get out the calculator and add up the cost to make your "overclocked AMD" machine with the same amount of ram and performance...I'm sure anyone with a pulse would rather spend the less grand total on a new Intel PowerMac Pro. I had a PC with a 3.4gHz Intel P4 CPU and 2gb of RAM. I was running Cubase SX and ProTools on it. What a joke. Couldn't record more than 4 tracks at once on my 002R without it stopping. Countless times on the DUC, back and forth with Sweetwater tech support, on the phone with Digidesign...pfft, never got any more performance out of that system. Then it gets better. I bought a PowerBook G4 with a 1.33gHz CPU and 512mb (later upgraded to 768mb) of RAM. Running Cubase SX and All of a sudden I could actually record tracks. Edit entire sessions. Record entire sessions. Bounce stuff, import stuff....all without any error windows. On a 1.33gHz/768mb system and the internal 60gb hard drive running at 5,400RPM. Yeah man, PC's are so superior.

The fact that you even said "amd > intel" is fucking retarded, I'm not even going to elaborate on that.

Macs are used by media PROFESSIONALS for a reason. If you are in the media/entertainment business, and you are a pro, you're using a Mac. It's just that simple. Macs are quite literally MADE for media production.

If you can explain to me how my 1.33/768 PowerBook ran circles around my 3.4/2gb PC doing the same tasks, please do.

On a side note, however, my PC ran calculator like a fucking PRO until the day it died.

Also just to add - there is the whole "but I can build my own PC"...yes but not everyone wants to build their own machine. Also, Macs just work. That's been my favorite selling point for years now. They just fucking work. Looking back at all the PC's I've ever owned or built for myself, I always had rediculous problems with them that I always kinda ignored and pretended they didn't exist. Then I got a Mac, and realized how fucking retarded it was to just DEAL with how much PC's fuck up when all I had to do in the first place was buy a Mac.


Whoever complains about the OS... I don't know anyone who goes PC for Window And yes, 'IBM-compatible' can have some real clunkers, but... all things considered, PC has more hardware toys and I've only tried a few things that *really* screwed the pooch on PC (and Mac has never been perfect either, from even my limited experience). Innovation is never as easy on a Mac-based system because you have to bend over, kiss ass, and suck cock at the same time for approval, but with PC the few duds that come along are more than made up for by the advantage that if you can put stuff together and make it work you're set for business.

Now, a bit of a disclaimer - I know I'm a bit 'out there' on a number of things, and I do have way too much computer experience for my own good, so take this with a grain of salt:

I think both Mac OS and Window$ are what would happen if shit could shit and forget to flush for about a decade and a half. I will *NOT* willingly use either of them for any extended period of time. I do not use the school computer lab anymore, I do not use friends' computers, I won't even fix the family computers if a problem pops up in the wrong OS. Why?

Because I fucking love Linux. I can't crash it, I never have to reboot it, I never have issues with mysterious error messages that don't mean anything other than 'M$ stock needs to go up, so spend a few hours fellating our tech support people for no good reason until we convince you that we're still the best software company in the universe', I have free (as in FUCKING FREE!) programs for everything from computer algebra (compare Matlab, Maple, Mathematica [$1500 a piece, for the lucky] to Scilab and Octave) to filesharing (compare fulDC and DC++ [buggy as fuck] Linu:rofl:C++) to a full-blown DAW (Ardour) that I like better than anything I've used on any other infrastructure, period. If you're unhappy with your PC because of the fucking operating system, try Linux. If you have some free space on your Mac or PC (~4gb for the OS, 1gb for the swap if you have very little RAM, and personal files can be shared, so we're only up to 5gb), try Linux. If you plan on buying Vista because the transparencies look cool... I'm going to have to slit you from cock to chin and turn you inside out.

But seriously, try Linux. It's fucking free - what have you got to lose?

elephant-audio said:
insert pretentious Mac user bullcrap *here*

your post was so self-rightous that im not going to bother replying.

and yes, I agree Jbroll, Linux is deffinatly 4tw. but to be honest i run xp on my laptop, it hasnt crashed on me in almost 2 years of use and i have never had to call microsoft tech support.
My current PC is a 3,2 ghz P3 with 768mb ram and 120 Hdd 7200. Like Elephant-audio says, it has serious problems handling more than 4 track at a time.. Im really glad you guys are sharing your opinions. I now know that my next buy will be a Mac! I used Pro Tools and Mac last year when I went to a musical school in Norway, I was stunned by the performans of the G4. The only thing that held me back from buying a Mac, was just that Im a bit unfamiliar with OSX and Im most used to work with Cubase. But since Cubase now work on Mac its not a problem!
Oh, and EA, while I must agree that a lot of viruses are made by Linux users - who actually know how computers work, what a surprise! - the majority are fucking script kiddies who rely on (1) old hats and (2) stupid people. I do think the 'fashionable Mac' thing is bullshit at least when it comes to people who pay for the things themselves and have half a clue about anything (99.5% of the people on this board, give or take), but do pay attention to the media professionals who use some UNIX/Linux/BSD/related operating system (especially graphics work - haven't met too many people who have tried the GIMP and gone back to Adobe).

There's no defending Micro$oft - they got where they were with business management, not product quality, the hardware utilization is bullshit, and if they lose their big deals with the major manufacturers that don't offer other operating systems for a reasonable price they will have no way to survive with their current product quality. Honestly, I'd say that if it came down to that versus the Apple OS releases, I would reluctantly take Apple (and switch to Ubuntu or Fedora when nobody was watching), so don't take me wrong on that, but I have a hard time not objecting to the hardware approval bullshit because if there's one thing I've learned from the open source and DIY community, it's that no matter how good something is, you'll find some eleven-yearoold nerd who can make it better, and no check on that eleven-year-old nerd's ability to make things better will help in the long run.

EDIT (as I didn't see MrLee's post, as I was typing mine): Do try Linux (and laughing at how much better it works than fucking Window$) before you spend that much more money, if for no other reason than because it's fucking free and there's no reason not to other than a bit of time that you'll spend anyway on the Mac thing, and at the very least it'll keep you busy while you wait for the new box to come in.

Anyone interested, PM me for any details on anything, at all, period. Seriously. I'll do whatever is humanly possible, just FUCKING TRY LINUX!
