Main differences between MAC vs PC

SimonAdams said:
and no, people choose macs because their are fashionable. their processing abilities are no match for amd pcs, and theyve roped in intel to try and quash this, but amd > intel. and then when you start to mod pcs and overclock the processors, there is no match.

its the same as all those assholes buying the 2 seater 'smart' cars, image over practicallity.

Intel flew over AMD's head a while ago. AMD had the edge a few years ago, but not anymore. And Macs were still more stable with the PPC processors than PCs.

And I don't know where the Smart car thing came from, but if you honestly believe it's about image, you're fucking stupid. Head on back to Tom's Hardware and furiously fondle yourself over the latest 3DMark benchmarks.
SimonAdams said:
your post was so self-rightous that im not going to bother replying.

and yes, I agree Jbroll, Linux is deffinatly 4tw. but to be honest i run xp on my laptop, it hasnt crashed on me in almost 2 years of use and i have never had to call microsoft tech support.

I don't see how any of my comments were self righteous. They were all facts and events that actually happened to me and I experienced. The outcome was that PC's dropped the ball so many fucking times it's not even funny, and yet I get a Mac with 1/3 less resources and it runs circles around what was (at the time) a top of the line performance PC running Windows. And here you are being corrected by three people already because of what you said being completely wrong. Don't come in here and talk big when you have no clue what you are talking about. Mr. "an overclocked PC rulz everything that evar existed"...gimme a fucking break SON, I've been around it all and from my PROFESSIONAL experience, Macs just completely own for anything media. Again, my PC did rock at running calculator, but then again, even the calculator on my Macs seems to be easier to use somehow...


Sweetnothing said:
Pc users use their computers almost for everything ( with exceptions, of course) whereas Mac users get them just for one or two things.
interesting thought but not true at all... i use my mac for virtually everything i do... i manage to shit, shower, shave, and do my laundry without a computer at all.... pretty much everythng else i use my mac for.. from audio to accounting, to graphic design, to media management, project management, word processing, email, surfing, booking, billing, HTML, chatting (text, audio, and video), contact management, CAD, video from capture through to editing and then DVD creation, Study, games, etc., etc., etc...

and every mac user i know uses their macs for many, many things in their lives as well.... you are just wrong about that one Sweets.... sorry.
Not really Splastik. The OSX operating system is based off of the Unix kernel. Which is free. Which Apple itself has no rights to whatsoever. All they did was spruce up the GUI for it and make it their own "operating system". That is also the reason why Macs are astonishingly more stable than Windows based machines, Unix is just a more stable kernel, plain and simple.

This thread is disgusting, but that's not surprising really. This topic has a habbit of making people turn ugly.

Anyhow, it's clear by the new line of ads that Apple are churning out that they are trying to appeal to the same average-home-user PC market out there that's predominantly been using Windows (in all its incarnations) for the past several years.

It's no longer a case of 'use a windows machine for this... use a mac for this'. The user has to make up their own mind about what suits them better.
JBroll said:
(especially graphics work - haven't met too many people who have tried the GIMP and gone back to Adobe).
Meh. GIMP is ok but Photoshop is still leagues above it.

Anyone interested, PM me for any details on anything, at all, period. Seriously. I'll do whatever is humanly possible, just FUCKING TRY LINUX!
You can even order free discs online!

My parents are by no means computer people. I haven't been home for about a year and when I'm home I "clean" their computer. Apparently it got so bad this summer that my Dad just disconnected all the power cables and it's been sitting for weeks because he just couldn't take it anymore. When I got home Adaware showed over 800 Critical things and even that was just the beginning of the spyware. I managed to clean it all off and had to pull the command prompt out a few times.

I decided to install Ubuntu on their computer and they love it. Really the only do e-mail, surf the net and use word processors so it's perfect for them and it's nice and stable.

A lot of people are afraid that since it's Linux they'll have to tinker in a command prompt all day but you really don't for the most part. Plus when you do it's generally pretty easy... Installing Ubuntu on this machine was a billion times easier than installing Windows.

And you can also try Linux out without installing it if you're looking to try it. Just pop the CD in your computer and restart, you can run Linux off the CD and get a feel for it before you commit to installing it to the hard drive.
cool cause i just dropped a grand on a new PC......and then i read all this shit....scared me there.....i mean i know a mac is more superior in the media side.....I'm just scared of it.....i dont know anything about it
elephant-audio said:
Not really Splastik.
They did a lot more than spruce up the GUI and open source kernel... There's still lots of proprietary source added to the OS they won't just give away.

I'd imagine if they gave out the complete source we'd see some knock offs similar to say ReactOS where they're rewriting all the proprietary source for Windows from scratch so it's legal and can run Windows programs or things like the osx86 project would be freaking out.
Zombietakeover said:
cool cause i just dropped a grand on a new PC......and then i read all this shit....scared me there.....i mean i know a mac is more superior in the media side.....I'm just scared of it.....i dont know anything about it

Don't let things you read on the net faze you too much. Remember that in the end it's just a person and their personal opinion. Many people tend to get near-fanatical in the PC vs Mac debate. Whilst I wouldn't in my wildest dreams ever purchase a Mac, I do try to see the merit in both sides as far as other people may be concerned.

Congrats on the new PC. I'll be upgrading sometime in the new year, after the new generation of ATi and nVIDIA DX10 cards have hit the market.
My 3 Macs are the hub of my digital life style (snigger) if you can use Itunes you can use a mac. Im writing this on a PC.

Its all just tools, whatever works.
Just go the route you're comfortable with. It's like comparing MS Word to Word Perfect. They can both do the same thing but have different ways from getting from point A to B.
gumplunger said:

Intel flew over AMD's head a while ago. AMD had the edge a few years ago, but not anymore. And Macs were still more stable with the PPC processors than PCs.

Intel innovates often but AMD kinda won with the whole 64 bit thing, and it is more power-efficient and less likely to overheat itself to fuck all.

Oh, and go ahead and shove the PPC stability up your ass if you haven't real facts to back it up - processors themselves aren't inherently stable or unstable, what you do with them (in terms of OS and programs) is what does stability. If the processor overheats or it's overclocked and you start getting electromigration, you can have stability issues with any processor - but if that happens it's literally all your fault for not knowing that maybe little chips doing Three Point Four Fucking Billion binary operations a second might not be the best way to keep your lemonade cool.

And please, people - stop making the mistake of equating Window$ with PC and their problems with each other. If you're going to try and compare them so we can have the final word on which does what, put them on common ground - as has been said, Mac OS X is based on UNIX (you know, one of those operating systems that actually fucking work) and Window$ relies on lonely tech support wankers who dream that someday the girl of their dreams will have a shared memory error and they'll fall in love and live happily ever after. Put them on fair ground, with a good Linux distro on both of them, and try doing things that way. That might actually get somewhere other than 'My PC PPPWNZ@rZ Y00'.

By the way!
does anyone using PTools digi002 rack with the new core duo?
I'm thinking about to buy a new pc, but I'm not quite shure about this?!...
Unfortunally I can't go for the Mac G5 it's so much expensive.:waah: