Main differences between MAC vs PC

You should be able to find a Mac RAM stick somewhere much cheaper and install it yourself. Goddamn, that's a lot of money.

Oh, and for PC it's never hard to find a DVD+/-RW-DL for about $50, Mac should have something in that ballpark if not the ability to just use the same thing.

From :
<Ich> I've discovered that people on IRC don't get offended or riled up by racism
<Ich> nor politically incorrect jokes
<Ich> nor feminism, nazism,
<Ich> nor goatse, or even tubgirl
<Ich> not even jokes about 9/11 get a rise out of anybody
<Ich> but as soon as I tell somebody that macs are better than PC's, things get ugly
Wow, glad I ducked before I came here....LOL. As I tech guy that fixes both Mac and PC's I can see the strength of both, for recording though...let's just say the Mac gets in your way less. The thing that really kills me about this arguement now is that, since Macs use Intel processors, all of the other questions are kinda moot.

Can you buy a Dell that runs both OS'
Can you upgrade your Mac with AMD processors, yes?

Buying a Mac now, basically gives you the potential to have 2 machines for the price of one, and pretty kick ass machine at that even with the suggested specs.

So why this argument even EXISTS now, is beyond me.
psyphre said:
The thing that really kills me about this arguement now is that, since Macs use Intel processors, all of the other questions are kinda moot.

Can you buy a Dell that runs both OS'
Can you upgrade your Mac with AMD processors, yes?

Buying a Mac now, basically gives you the potential to have 2 machines for the price of one, and pretty kick ass machine at that even with the suggested specs.

So why this argument even EXISTS now, is beyond me.

My best friend and I are both considering buying Macs (he more than I). Here's part of the ongoing email discussion...

Me: Oh, that reminds me -- are the only choices laptop, iMac, or MacPro? Can't buy a [new] G4 or G5 anymore? There seems a dearth of midrange Apple options for folks who don't want a computer crammed into its own monitor nor "The World's Filthiest Wallet Draining Cum Tower!"TM

Him: G stands for generation -- so G4 towers are old. Old stuff sucks! ;) I think the iMacs SCREAM "midrange", dont you?

Me: Apart from price points, I consider "entry level" to be "novice" or "starter" computers. Systems for kids and grandparents who would never think to crack a case open and do anything inside. {iMacs}

"Midrange" to me are systems with a bit more power and flexibility that folks can mod a bit if/when they feel up to it. {Apple n/a}

"High end" would be "prosumer". Immodest monster systems for overclockin' tweaky modders or folks running Industrial Light & Magic's NYC branch out of their loft. {$2500+ Mac Pro Tower of Power}

Him: I don't disagree. Yeah, there's just the one $2500 tower available now, which is awesome but also... $2500. w/o a monitor! It seems like overkill for the work i'd be doing.

Me: For me too. And iMac's seem inflexible [in terms of hardware] like, well... like traditional marriage. "This is all you will have until one of us dies." My kingdom for a[n upgradeable] midrange option!

Him: They def. are inflexible like marriage! the advantage is that at the end of the day, your Mac is home waiting for you and functioning normally, whereas the slutty PC you might pick up as a single guy could have all sorts of blue screens of death in her. ;)

So what it basically comes down to is, if there were a mid-sized Mac tower approx. $1500 that had more upgradeability than an iMac but not so much as a Mac Pro... you know, an Apple with an open PCI slot or two for less than $2500 base... we'd be all over it. But then again, maybe that sort of flexibility isn't Apple's style because, hey, that's why they "just work", right? Because everything inside a Mac is something Apple designed/developed/built/selected specifically to work properly with everything else inside the Mac? So why give the end user the opportunity to muck it all up.
James, I'm not going to dis you man, I respect you. But if anyone would have asked me I would have expected you to be from the "it aint the hammer it's the carpenter" crowd. I have serious reservations about stifling someones new-found interest in recording by suggesting that it can only be accomplished in a certain fashion, potentially dissuading somebody from an artistic journey that many of us enjoy immensely.
It's bull. I tried to use humor to illustrate that fact, and obviously it misfired. I suspect you could make a great record with a 4 track cassette recorder and a 57, I suspect you probably have. I also assume that at some point in your life when that little recording bug bit you, you might not have started out with the most esoteric equipment around and had to make due, overcome, improvise and learn to use what you had at hand and make it kick ass.
Now if you were immediately swept away into neve and ssl rooms and never once had to want for something more, or accept something less, then I guess I am wrong<-------(there's the line you can quote me with)

That is the learning curve and it is a path we all have to travel regardless of the medium involved.

I say to the original poster, buy what you can afford and refine your craft, as you improve you will undoubtedly find things that work for you. As soon as we adhere to an idea that there is a right and wrong way to make art then we are no longer artists but a cog in a wheel. I prefer to approach each session with an open mind, I don't always succeed but I think it's a good ethic.

As far as the kernel of the OS I could give a fuck less, I know neither xp or os x crash very much if they are maintained correctly. I fail to see the debate these days as anything more than a personal preference which for some reason mac people seem to be visciously, sometimes obnoxiously adamant about that preference.


the smart-alek
everybody's x said:
I know neither xp or os x crash very much if they are maintained correctly.

Hah - I guess you missed the Macbook Pro article in the newest Mix then.

They tried to be nice about it with a misleading cover title - "STRETCHING THE LIMITS OF APPLE'S MACBOOK PRO". :lol:
everybody's x said:
James, I'm not going to dis you man, I respect you. But if anyone would have asked me I would have expected you to be from the "it aint the hammer it's the carpenter" crowd. I have serious reservations about stifling someones new-found interest in recording by suggesting that it can only be accomplished in a certain fashion, potentially dissuading somebody from an artistic journey that many of us enjoy immensely.
It's bull. I tried to use humor to illustrate that fact, and obviously it misfired. I suspect you could make a great record with a 4 track cassette recorder and a 57, I suspect you probably have. I also assume that at some point in your life when that little recording bug bit you, you might not have started out with the most esoteric equipment around and had to make due, overcome, improvise and learn to use what you had at hand and make it kick ass.
Now if you were immediately swept away into neve and ssl rooms and never once had to want for something more, or accept something less, then I guess I am wrong<-------(there's the line you can quote me with)

That is the learning curve and it is a path we all have to travel regardless of the medium involved.

I say to the original poster, buy what you can afford and refine your craft, as you improve you will undoubtedly find things that work for you. As soon as we adhere to an idea that there is a right and wrong way to make art then we are no longer artists but a cog in a wheel. I prefer to approach each session with an open mind, I don't always succeed but I think it's a good ethic.

As far as the kernel of the OS I could give a fuck less, I know neither xp or os x crash very much if they are maintained correctly. I fail to see the debate these days as anything more than a personal preference which for some reason mac people seem to be visciously, sometimes obnoxiously adamant about that preference.


the smart-alek
;)... hey man.. you're extrapolating way too much.... i didn't say anything to lead you to this post... i only backed up Kazrog, because he was right, and i tried to do it with some humor as well... you seemed to be being quite obstinate about a basic fact that you were wrong about, so i had some fun with you about it, but i was not malicious.. but that's a far, far cry from trying to dissuade anyone from doing anytihng, with anything... i.e., recording, or mixing, or mastering, any kind of music, at any level, with any particular platform. i would never do that, and have not done so in this tread.. i think that's clear.

i will however, if i'm going to bother to give advice, or pipe in on any type of debate or discussion, be very frank about what i feel is the best way to go..... if i'm not then of what use would asking me my opinion or me offering it, be?

this debate is beyond silly... and the repeated threads of people asking, in one form or another, Andy or myself or any other member of the forum our opinions of the Mac vs. PC debate... then one or more of us giving it only to have the advice ridiculed, dismissed, or picked apart by PC recording proponents is just oooooollld. bottom line, poeple come here wanting to know what Andy uses... i also get asked... the answer is Mac.. .as it is for nearly ever other pro i can think of working today. this is not explained away by "oh, they were swayed by Apple's advertising and design"... we are grown men and professionals..... so tired of hearing that crap. i am asked, i answer.... it's that simple, and as a participant in this forum i join open discussions about the subject.... and i speak my opinion. i have never once said that anyone should not record if they can't do it with a mac, so please don't put words into my mouth.

and before i forget... Macs are better at everything. so there. :p
I didnt mean to say that YOU were trying to derail the guy, just the thread in general , and the subject in general being so hostile towards a guy wanting to know if he can get the job done on a PC. Not personal at all, and not specifically at you.

That being said, my biggest problem with macs is I want to kick their cool-guy spokesman in the face, call it a metal defect (spelling error intended).

extrapolating is what I do I am an extrapolator

Now do you like greenbacks or not?
