make a suggestion


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
i have never, NEVER in all my days been so fucking bored out of my wits. i'm reading two books at the moment, so dont give me the 'read a book' shite - i'm there already. i have also seen near enough all the films in the house and thats well over 100 and i am also sick to bastard death of listening to my cd collection for varying reasons. and without suggesting sex or masterbation or watching porn can we all put our heads together and suggest a way to keep me alive until well, until i next go to a gig or summert. bearing in mind i dont get paid for another 5 days....

this five day period will be the death of me..........woe is me..

woe is bloody-well me
meditate, make long walks,paint, write, knit a sweater, count sheep,learn how to imitate the singing of the blackbird,............... endless list.
Right i'm tryin to think what you can do to prevent this intense boredom, i might just have the answer for you :)

right here is a link for some ace games they are super cool

go onto and there are mind games on it, always a good pass time if that dosent work try that works for me :D
surf the internet just like everyone else. or clean your room. do something you've always postponed, so you can at least say you did something useful.
hm, yeh i cleaned my room .... maybe i could do some washing or something.

this are boring suggestions. making a walk is sounding very appealing though. i might write a story about making a walk.....

the more bored i am the lazier i become - is this a shared experience?
yeah, i have that right now. i could just get up and go to bed, or do something useful, but no, all i can do is sit here and hit F5
i've decided that i am going to sort my finances out. and also write an evaluation of something and a plea for something else.

i might write a list of all the art related things i should buy over the next month.

i think i might get some ideas together for a new painting i might do for someone.

i'm going to write someone a postcard too.

and dont you dare laugh at me mister.
bleed_black_orchid said:
I think you should er.. make me 3 paintings for my room. and ask me for the materials money.

hmm, i'm quite willing to say 'fuck yeh!!!' but i want you to know that asking someone else to create something that will hang on yer wall and you will have to live with is a dangerous business. if i'm to do it im doing it in secret on my own, and you'll find out what they are when they are finished...well ill show you the prelim work but you cant see the finals till they are complete.

and if you want em on canvas theres a sale on in Rennies.
blackeyed said:
i have never, NEVER in all my days been so fucking bored out of my wits. i'm reading two books at the moment, so dont give me the 'read a book' shite - i'm there already. i have also seen near enough all the films in the house and thats well over 100 and i am also sick to bastard death of listening to my cd collection for varying reasons. and without suggesting sex or masterbation or watching porn can we all put our heads together and suggest a way to keep me alive until well, until i next go to a gig or summert. bearing in mind i dont get paid for another 5 days....

this five day period will be the death of me..........woe is me..

woe is bloody-well me
Can't help thinking that what you need is another person to spend some time with, someone you don't already know but always wanted to get to know. If there is this special person, this one who makes you tickle with enthousiasm, then I'd say you invite that person over ;)
blackeyed said:
i've decided that i am going to sort my finances out. and also write an evaluation of something and a plea for something else.

i might write a list of all the art related things i should buy over the next month.

i think i might get some ideas together for a new painting i might do for someone.

i'm going to write someone a postcard too.

and dont you dare laugh at me mister.

1. buy a set of 36 Rembrandts

2. study the form of breasts, line, contours, light and shade and all that

3. photograph it and send it to me :D
Alwin said:
Can't help thinking that what you need is another person to spend some time with, someone you don't already know but always wanted to get to know. If there is this special person, this one who makes you tickle with enthousiasm, then I'd say you invite that person over ;)

aye there is a special someone who i know practically fuck all about but the problem is they don't want to come over :(