making a decent mp3


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
Ok our myspace songs sound like complete ass compared to cd. I mean its retarded how bad they sound on there. Now Ive tried a few different demo's of wav to mp3 converters and all seem to suck so far.

Should i just use protools to make mp3? I forgot to install this option when i installed protools so its kind of a pain in the ass but what should i do to get the best quality to post on myspace?
It's Myspace's method for streaming that kills the sound. But the best encoder for mp3 is LAME. I always convert just the final 16-bit wave to mp3 and use the highest quality setting.
I have found that if you upload a 128 bit mp3 to myspace, it will load up into the player immediately. Any time I've uploaded a higher bitrate it took a while to show up, so I figured myspace was converting it.

128 is not a great sounding mp3, but I've had the best luck with those on Myspace.
Maybe you should try a dither, like Waves L1 or iZotope Ozone3. It helps to keep the quality adding some noise when you downgrade from 24 bits wave to 16 bits mp3.
The Fraunhofer is going to sound better than LAME at 128, period, end of discussion. The built-in player will fuck you over, but if you want to be less fucked over than you would be otherwise just use Fraunhofer.

Wishtheend, Fraunhofer is the group that developed it. Google ' Fraunhofer codec' and have fun - I can't point you in any specific direction because I don't use Windows or Mac for that stuff.

It's simple, just don't use the Myspace Mp3 player. It's not so much the codec you use, as it is their Mp3 player that degrades the sound on Myspace.

You can code a 3rd-party flash Mp3 player in your myspace page and it will sound a lot better.
can you point me in the direction of these mp3 players please for myspace. I tried to google but all i get is ones you have to pick songs from there list:Smug:
Just to clarify... the player runs at 128... doesnt matter what you upload, it makes it 128... so your best bet is to get a good 128mp3 and upload that...

and yeah, its not that great, but it doesnt actually make your mp3 sound any worse than it already does... I've heard that your internet connection and sound card have everything to do with the sound...

I've actually spoken with the developers of the player... they are supposed to be redesigning it... but, that probably wont happen anytime soon.
I don't see why internet connection would help, seeing as how all it does is transmit the same data - the worst it could do is be slow and have obvious intermittence, but assuming a decent link and enough bandwidth to hear something there's no reason why it would interfere. Sound card, though... of course.

The Myspace player converts everything to 96kbps when streaming. Everything.

Try some of these:


My Flash Fetish MP3 Players

It's best to use CBR for streaming from a player like this, rather than VBR.

Of course, you'll also need to have your own server space to link to and it should be able to stream an mp3 reliably. No big feat, but some of the free hosting sites have restrictions or are just slow.
I usually export wav's then convert them to MP3 with Easy CD-DA Extractor. Easy CD-DA has preset for various Variable bit rate ( usually a different number per track ), Constant bit rate ( ie. 128kbps, 192kbps ) and about any other format you want like FLAC, APE, aac, m4b, etc. By default it has a HiPass and LoPass filter enabled plus encodes in Joint-Stereo which is some semi-stereo/mono junk. You can change any, all or none of it at your choosing. I always opt for no filters and true stereo and the highest Variable bit rate it'll do. I think it uses the LAME codec by default but also has the Fraunhofer as well. I've always read the LAME was better and although I've never done a side by side comparison I always use the LAME. This might be a good topic for a page on my website like the Addicitive Drums VS EZDrummer page....
Afaik Frauenhofer costs, LAME is free.
Dunno about Myspace, but about MP3 converting... use VBR + highest setting and if you are able to hear any difference to your source file then that's just your imagination...