Males and Females

So, the dude I was seeing (the one I split up with a couple of weeks ago) was harassing me via texts this week. Crazy stuff. I woke up one day to find 10 texts from him between the hours of 11pm to 3am. He apologized the next day, said he had some sort of wacky depression episode which caused the outburst...


Glad to be rid of this guy forever. What a seriously toxic person.
I can't be bothered with women these days. I just am awkward, I know I am and I don't have the motivation to change, I'd rather stay in my room and just be me than put on some act to try and impress some conceited shallow bitch.
I can't be bothered with women these days. I just am awkward, I know I am and I don't have the motivation to change, I'd rather stay in my room and just be me than put on some act to try and impress some conceited shallow bitch.

I feel like I'm getting older in the sense that I know women (girls!) that are not conceited shallow bitches yet I never jerk off over them anymore, I just appreciate their company. I do touch their thighs when I have one too many, of course. And then they go "you PROBABLY shouldn't" PRrrrOBABLY yeah sure sure yeah sure thing I know right. BAMMMmmm ass slap :dopey:
I know a Czech girl who seems to be interested in getting back with me, but she lives in London, the land of far away (and gay).
There aren't really any "big cities" less than 1hr40m away. The small city is already 1hr away. I don't like living in cities much anyway, Prague was good, but Prague is pretty different.