Males and Females

Havnt we talked about this before on this page?

Either way, squirting is fucking disgusting.

I got with a squirter one time, went down on her, (didnt know she was a squirter) and she pissed in my mouth.

Now, I will forever stay away from squirters.
I like it. It's just so dirty. It makes me feel weird, like I'm doing something so wrong. I don't know why that's a turn on. Plus any girl that's willing to squirt is usually willing to do much more
My ex was a squirter, and yeah it never smelled like pee. For the longest time it was clear, but one morning we had sex it was yellow. For some reason that infuriated me. I began wondering if she had always just been peeing on me. She later shat on me towards the end of the relationship so that became the bigger issue. Having said that, I miss being with a squirter. Easily makes for some of the best sex ever.
I guess she had the squirts one night (the bad kind) and while riding me she suddenly went fully pale and said "WE HAVE TO STOP!" and I'm just like what? "I pooped on your hand" and ran to the bathroom. Sure enough, as I look there's poop all over my hand where I had cupped her ass. I tried to laugh it off with her because I figured she'd be embarrassed as all hell. She didn't think it was funny at all. We ended up breaking up when trying to do anal a few weeks later. It wasn't the sole reason obviously, but it's what triggered the final fight, and is one of my favorite stories.

Neither of us had done anal before so we decided to do some prep work first. This meant using a butt plug. So on this particular night we're doing doggy while I'm using the butt plug on her. Instead of going in and out I just kept it in all the way for the entirety of the session per her request. Well, when I pulled it out at the end, some shit came out. I got a bit taken aback and was expecting her to do something. She hadn't noticed anything so I paused for a second before brilliantly saying "uh, you should probably clean yourself up". Yes, not the most romantic thing to say, but for some reason I thought it was the best thing to say in that moment. She said I was a fucking asshole and ran crying to the bathroom. That was the last time we had sex and broke up like 2 days later.

I still think about her from time to time. She was in love with me, but I wasnt in love with her. She treated me like a king though, and no one has matched her in bed. She was part squirter, part animal, and full on double F's on a petite body.
I had a girl squirt in my mouth once and I just tried to drink/lick it all up. Tasted good, not entirely like urine. But even if it was there's not much harm in drinking a little pee. Poo on the other hand, ack. No thx.