Males and Females

well it is more difficult but not impossible; to fuck a swedish girl at the same level of attractiveness in the video or higher is one of my major goals and i will succeed someday.
well it is more difficult but not impossible; to fuck a swedish girl at the same level of attractiveness in the video or higher is one of my major goals and i will succeed someday.

Perhaps you've missed that Sweden isn't Russia. The few prostitutes you'll find in Sweden will have been imported from some poor Baltic or Slavic country anyway.
I've met a couple of Swedish girls who were outrageously sexually liberated. They weren't bothered about money though, not whatsoever.
While putzing around on OKC I ended up coming across a girl I went to HS with who I remember being someone I always found really cute but never really talked to...

Might see about messaging her.
Another babe

nice. i love euro sluts who are beautiful but have bad english and weird (but sexy) accents. i hate girls who speak good english; the less we understand each other, the better.

yesterday i fucked a 23y.o. hungarian girl who fit the former criteria. she was pretty damn tall, maybe 5'9" and she looked almost exactly like the pornstar Leanna Sweet but less anorexic (look her up)
Blew it with a chance to make out with a girl dressed as Wes Borland at a party last night. We were talking lots and she kept making all these not-subtle references to her liking chicks, but I went out to smoke a six paper joint with some dudes and came back in and she was gone.
Since when are you into girl-on-girl?

Instead of spending money on a whore, why don't you just actually man up and talk to a girl?
Have you seen a picture of him? To be honest if I looked like that and thought that fanny packs were an acceptable thing to wear I'd probably be looking for hookers as well.
Since when are you into girl-on-girl?

Probably since she started dating MP.
