Males and Females

Look, everypony knows that alcohol is technically a drug and that when people say "drugs" they mean harder drugs, not fucking coffee. There’s nothing funny about that at all. It’s not even misleading, becuase it’s fucking obvious, so shut up you smartass.

Yeah well, you can call me a smartass all you want, but the people who make the distinction between alcohol and marijuana and hard drugs by using the general term "drugs" is an idiot.
Just added a question on okcupid I think you'll all appreciate.

How musically adventurous are you?

I don't listen to music very much.
I generally like whatever is on the radio.
I'll check out a band if a friend recommends it.
I actively seek new niche/underground music.
Just added a question on okcupid I think you'll all appreciate.

How musically adventurous are you?

I don't listen to music very much.
I generally like whatever is on the radio.
I'll check out a band if a friend recommends it.
I actively seek new niche/underground music.

The Ozzman likes this.
It doesn't happen so often here, but then again I live in a rural community. I've seen it though. Where are you from?
I don't really see much of any difference in chatting someone up at the shop as compared to online dating/facebook. Both fields are open to a stranger becoming something more in their life. And a person becomes more of a social being and is generally happier when they do talk to strangers. It's just that cultural norms and fear tend to make people go to more comfortable avenues to finding mate(s).

The United Kingdom.
No offense to David or his profile: But I thought the "Atheism and somewhat serious about it" part was funny. Serious about non-theistic beliefs? I barely think about religious beliefs in my life, so I'm hard-pressed to think of how serious one can be relating to no belief in god or gods.

I'm serious in the sense that I am firm in my non-belief and if needed will defend my position, but not so serious that I feel the need to be a raging militant assbutt about it.
No offense to David or his profile: But I thought the "Atheism and somewhat serious about it" part was funny. Serious about non-theistic beliefs? I barely think about religious beliefs in my life, so I'm hard-pressed to think of how serious one can be relating to no belief in god or gods.

Christianity (and other religions) causes a lot of suffering in the world, and seems to be used often to manipulate ignorant voters in politics. there's nothing wrong with the idea of being serious about atheism imo.
I don't get why they (okcupid) give me 'matches' or 'updates' from people who think that same sex relationships are wrong, that creationism should be taught in public schools, and that it should be illegal to burn ones' countries' flag.
zabu of nΩd;10054148 said:
Christianity (and other religions) causes a lot of suffering in the world, and seems to be used often to manipulate ignorant voters in politics.

Just like Athiesm. Except they don't bother manipulating voters. They just throw big Bolshevik parties.
The way that Christians try and counter the amount of shit they've done with the fact that the Communist party was atheist is laughable.
The way that Christians try and counter the amount of shit they've done with the fact that the Communist party was atheist is laughable.

It's not a counter (not from me anyway). Catholics/Protestants have centuries of tyranny in their balance, Communists have less than a century. Just pointing out that one is not superior to the other when it comes to violence.
I think emphasizing correlations between religious affiliation (or lack thereof) and political motives is nothing beyond superficial and at the bottom of things an absurd means of argument.
I think emphasizing correlations between religious affiliation (or lack thereof) and political motives is nothing beyond superficial and at the bottom of things an absurd means of argument.

Well I personally think that christians shouldn’t have the right to vote because they openly admit that their decisions are irrational. What you’re saying is that one’s belief doesn’t change (or matters to) your political opinions, but I can see it clearly here. Statistics say that stupid villagers outside of Prague vote communists and left-wing parties while in Prague the situation still somewhat holds together. The number of christians on the countryside is obviously much higher than here where clever people live.

You can’t claim that these things are not connected.
The stuff the communists in Russia did to Christians wasn't in the name of atheism. It was more an act of revenge because the Russian church pretty much tried to keep everyone more or less enslaved by the Czar.

As for Maoist China, it wasn't in the name of atheism either, since the communists were getting rid of an ideology that was already atheistic to begin with.
Derek, restaurants are not appropriate for cold approaches because there is a privacy sphere effect at every table. You go to a restaurant to be secluded with your party, not to talk to strangers.

Blew it with a chance to make out with a girl dressed as Wes Borland at a party last night. We were talking lots and she kept making all these not-subtle references to her liking chicks, but I went out to smoke a six paper joint with some dudes and came back in and she was gone.