Males and Females

zabu of nΩd;10051659 said:
I hate this thread because most of the time i think about posting here i realize that my stories about how i just met a girl and i see some remote possibility of getting with her are only interesting to me and most likely not to anyone else. I think the people who post here the most just aren't self-conscious about that.
I'd be interested in reading this. Post away vihris gahris.;)
Now I'm back on okcupid sending retarded messages to weird chicks. I really hope to get back into grad school. Seems like that's the sort of place you find a lot of nice, smart, attractive women.

We are very much the same in this regard. I'm ready to give these dating sites a try. It may actually makes things easier for me, since taking advantage of the pool of women at the university is just complicating things since I'm a professional there. I really hope I'm somewhere else in the country next fall in a grad program.
Well, fellas, it's done with the cute little cuntbag I was speaking about earlier. I saw her tonight and it was an absolute disaster. I'm sure (and I'm glad) that I made her feel like shit. Here's the deal:

I decided to go out to the club that I regularly go to. About an hour after I show up, waitress chick shows up. Was not expecting that at all. So we talked for a little bit and she did not appear to be upset at all about the text conversation we had earlier. So we got to know each other a little bit. Then we sort of parted ways and I go to talk to her a little later and she says some rude fucking thing to me like "you don't have anything to say." Burn, but absolutely fucking false as any of you fucks would know and as any of my friends know. So I'm dealing with a chick who makes snap judgments based on god knows what. But whatever, I have no idea what's going on in this chick's head. So a little later I'm talking to a lady friend of mine outside and I mentioned that I was texting back and forth with this chick, and she knew exactly who it was. So she tells me that this chick is crazy and described some event where she went all psycho.

There was no way in hell I wasn't gonna use this information against this chick. After all, she had been pretty rude to me (like rude for real, not the bullshitting, playful kind of rude). And, at any rate, I had assumed that any chance with her was nonexistent at this point. So I decided to get my sour grapes/you are a judgmental cunt deal going on. So I knew my lady friend was about to leave and I saw waitress chick walk out to get a smoke. So I decided to leave and say a quick word to waitress chick. I walked out, went up to her and she clearly thought I was about to say some supplicating bullshit to her, but I just walked up and said "Hey, I heard you're crazy." The look on her face was priceless. She clearly knew what I was talking about. She said, "Who told you that?" I said "Some cunt. It doesn't matter." Then she got all defensive and said "I may be crazy, but I'm genuine." I almost laughed but told her some shit along the lines of "Well, I'm genuine too. And I've had beautiful women, better looking than you, physically restrain me so I wouldn't leave them. So if you think I'm "not interesting," check yourself, bitch." Something along those lines. She was visibly stunned. Then lady friend comes out and we both agree to take off. As I drove away I saw waitress girl with her cute little head down all embarrassed/ashamed. Cunt. I hope she never shows up there again purely out of shame.

So, I didn't get inside of that, but I figured out that I think this chick sucks and I made her feel like the dumb little hussy she is, and here's a lesson: Don't judge chicks by their looks. They may look cute and "nice", but they might be as cunty as any obvious whorebag out there.

Fuck. Must find nice chick. Where the hell are they?

You should write a book dude. Serious, I'd buy a copy. That's a badass turn of events.
So eharmony graced me with two cute redheads with interesting profiles this morning. One of them was born in Denmark even, how metal! I may yet not regret paying for this site.
Yeah, yeah, I know. I am probably mostly done with that stuff now.

Now I'm back on okcupid sending retarded messages to weird chicks. I really hope to get back into grad school. Seems like that's the sort of place you find a lot of nice, smart, attractive women.

I was going to say that doing normal, everyday things should net interaction with single females also doing similar, normal, everyday things.

Or you can troll Walmart.

Not like picking up women at Walmart is difficult. I once saw, in the course of less than five minutes, two dudes go up to a woman with a baby, and talk her into going home with them.
Yeah, yeah, I know. I am probably mostly done with that stuff now.

Now I'm back on okcupid sending retarded messages to weird chicks. I really hope to get back into grad school. Seems like that's the sort of place you find a lot of nice, smart, attractive women.

all the women in my grad program are either married or in long term relationships (not that it matters now)
Still feeling really down about what happened (though, I've mostly been feeling like this since we got back on Sunday, almost a week ago). Loss of appetite, don't feel like doing anything, tired, sleeping in more than usual etc. I feel better at work because at least there's something I have to do. Don't go in till later today though.