Males and Females

New girl on my radar, but way too early to know what of it. She just transferred to UMaine (a good sign since anyone with a social circle is anathema to me) and she seems really interested in the Classics aspect of me. She even showed up last night to the dramatic reading of Plato's Gorgias I put on last night with a few professors. I really should get to know her more.

But the problem is that her Facebook doesn't list her relationship status, which is a turn-off not only in that I don't want to put in the effort to find out elsewise but it potentially means she's a bitch.
Overwatch - Bullshit, goth clubs are awesome.

Well done Cythraul - I bet you left her longing and wanting, and you left with your pride intact and getting in the last word. Cyth: 1,000,000 Waitress bitch: 0

Addo - Sweet! Language barrier = no biggie. If you end up being just a buddy and that's not ok you can just drop her!

MasterofLightning - I'd agree, slim pickins anywhere with under 500,000 people it seems. I went on 2 OKCupid dates - one was cool (soldier dude) and the other was nice looking but liked Radiohead a lot, the dealbreaker was that he argued with me over whether or not we were going to hold hands in his car.

Zeph - Do you SERIOUSLY dock points over whether she posts her relationship status on Facebook? Really? At least get her on a coffee/chat one-on-one before you start getting worried about that, dude.

I'm doing OK, still riding the porkpal train and enjoying the heck out of it. Don't think there's much in the way of relationship potential which makes it perfect. I hope he sees it the same way.
But the problem is that her Facebook doesn't list her relationship status, which is a turn-off not only in that I don't want to put in the effort to find out elsewise but it potentially means she's a bitch.
I can understand not liking this because of the ambiguity, although I would say it probably means she's not in a relationship. But how could it mean she's a bitch?
Trauma tends to mess with things like critical thinking and the ability to turn short-term memory into long-term memory. Something I should remember. >_>

So, talked to the girl I had been hanging out with the past 3 or so weeks (and that I went to LA with etc). She pretty much said that she didn't feel like she was ready for a relationship with me, or with anyone(we only kissed for the first time on Wednesday, before that just mild pda I guess). Pretty fucking disappointed since we had a really great time, though I noticed towards the end of our trip she seemed sort of not as affectionate etc, and that she didn't really intend for anything beyond friendship, but that it all sorta just happened. This is the third fucking time this has happened since breaking up with my ex (though others didn't go past friendship) and I can't believe it. What the fuck. I really like her too; this sucks.
Number closed a hot latina waitress last night when I went to have a late night meal after working at the hotel.
Bravo! How'd you do it? And how much time did you talk with her? I've always been interested in pulling waitresses, but they're harder to me. The best ones I asked out barely spoke English. :lol:

A recent epiphany from me: Older women are going to always desire for their ex or someone like them. One told me that she met up with her ex recently and that she wants to see how things go (once again), so no more of me for her. Maybe I should try and meet a MILF at a bar instead of a grocery store? haha.

I haven't been out cold approaching much at all. I've been focusing on other things besides women, though that physiological, and perhaps addictive need, is there and waiting for me.
I want cute/hot women in their 20s in my life. That's a priority. But that means improving myself in other ways. Because there's no way I meet these kind of girls unless I cold approach.
I think the only latina in the world that does anything for me is Benita Robledo. nomnomnom. Otherwise? meh.

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I don't know. I've been saying stupid shit lately and I'm sorry.

Good. Now go stand in the corner.

Re: your ex, wasn't it a pretty brief relationship? You've said in the past that you get attached pretty quickly, but honestly if you could handle ending a 1.5 year relationship so well I would expect you not to be bothered by this.

Also, Chase, that sucks. Keep at it.
Yeah, it does. We're still meeting tomorrow morning for coffee anyways (earlier today I actually randomly saw her, it wasn't planned or anything). I think I'll make some sort of final appeasement, but I don't think it'll do anything. We'll stay friends I suppose, and maybe she'll come around, but yeah... It's weird how well everything was going so wonderfully, and then in the middle of it (our trip) I could tell that she changed.

For such a brief time I got a bit too attached, or maybe it was more the fact that I was attached to the thought/hope of being with her.
Re: your ex, wasn't it a pretty brief relationship? You've said in the past that you get attached pretty quickly, but honestly if you could handle ending a 1.5 year relationship so well I would expect you not to be bothered by this.

We were together for over 2 months but this is the second time we were together so the feelings go back all the way to March.

And the only reason I got over my 2-year ex so quick was by getting together with this one less than a month after the fact. It only lasted 2 weeks the first time, but it did the trick.

Wow wow eee

This lady, in my country they would go crazy for this one.
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I hate this thread because most of the time i think about posting here i realize that my stories about how i just met a girl and i see some remote possibility of getting with her are only interesting to me and most likely not to anyone else. I think the people who post here the most just aren't self-conscious about that.
There's this German girl in my Chinese class. I only see her as a person to chat with during class. She is moderately attractive. However, one time she was explaining German grammar to this one guy and I was like this:

But it only lasted for that moment.

That is pretty much all of my female interaction as of now.
My ex knew some Finnish girl, everyone said she had a weird looking vagina. Like it looked like a bell or some shit.

I now anecdotally believe that Finnish women have abnormal vaginas.
And the only reason I got over my 2-year ex so quick was by getting together with this one less than a month after the fact. It only lasted 2 weeks the first time, but it did the trick.

We need to join or form a "serial monogamist recovery" support group. I guess it's just the natural progression of things but porkpal is acting increasingly like a boyfriend and not a porkpal, which is great from a "free food" perspective but otherwise sort of pushes me away. There is a fine line between "you're hot, come over even though you woke up here" and "I could totally see you every day and not get sick of it."