Males and Females

Why do you pollute this thread with things that are opposing to what it‘s supposed to be about?
I haven't fucked squirting girl in awhile. I think she wants me and has been hinting a lot lately. I also have a feeling that she actually might be falling for me even though she says she just wants to fuck me. *gasp*

One more week and my final exam ever. Until I decide to do a masters in mechanical engineering in 5 to 6 years. I'm going to see if I can try nail one of the girls in my course, much to the disdain of my ex-girlfriend.
After a few weeks on eharmony I'm convinced it's where picky people go to continue being picky. Of the profiles "matched" with me I sent an icebreaker to maybe one in ten. According to friends everyone else on these sites does the same.
So, shit came to a head with my friend and his wife today. I'm going to be as brief as possible because I can't download the texts from my phone and it would take me an hour to transcribe everything on here, so here's the deal:

Yesterday, I got a random text from my friend's wife and the conversation went something like this:

Her: When's the last time you talked to Hot Nurse?

Me: A week ago last Thursday. I don't think she's interested in me at all.

Her: Oh, why is that?

Me: Her texts were pretty brief and she wasn't really willing to work around her schedule at all.

and then I think I said something about how she hasn't really hinted that she's still interested, so what am I supposed to do at this point short of just flat out asking this chick that exact question.

So, I go on with my day (it might have been last Friday when she sent me a message. It was while I was at work, so it was sometime in the past two days) and all is well.

So, today rolls around and it's post 3 PM and that's when it starts getting hectic at work (usually from start time until lunch and the last hour of the day are hectic as fuck) and I get this text from Friend's Wife (here on known to us as Tina and names will be changed to protect the innocent):

Tina: All I'm saying is that you should try getting in touch with her one more time

So, my BP shoots up about 30 points and I start fucking shaking in absolute anger/anxiety. I then say something to the effect of:

Me: Why should I do anything else if she doesn't seem interested? I'm not going to go any further because I know I'm going to get burned

or something like that. I don't feel like checking my phone for the exact words, but it's like how much shit do I have to eat here? I've been burned in my life more times than I can count and this just smells of fucking bullshit to the tenth degree.

So, I guess Tina got mad at my position, so her husband (Bill, for the purposes of this conversation) starts texting me:

Bill: I mean this in the nicest way possible, but your (sic) and idiot for giving a good thing up

Okay, first off, he's met this girl twice I think, so how the fuck does he know? This bitch could be fucking psychotic for all anyone knows or there's a reason why she's still single at 30 (not that there's anything wrong with it if you know why, but if you're wondering why, maybe you should go within yourself for the solution to the problem). Secondly, how the fuck is there any nice way to put something like that? I mean, I've known him for close to 15 years and he's been a bit of a dick since I've known him, but come on now...

Anyway, my end started like this:

Me: I was trying not to overstep my boundaries after the initial meeting. I'm not going to go out of my way to make things work if I don't think she's interested.

Bill then goes on to say caveats such as:

Good things in life don't come free/You're wanting shit to fall into your lap/You don't want to work for anything

Like I've never heard this shit before or anything. Firstly, I'll work harder and faster than anyone else who puts me up to the challenge. Secondly, this guy was telling me that shit happens when you stop looking for it, so what's up with the contradictions here?

Then we go on to have differing things like me saying that I need to figure out my own problems before I try to figure out someone else entirely, vagina isn't a panacea and other caveats I have (I guess)

Basically it boiled down to the following two thoughts:

Bill: It's the man's job to do everything in almost every aspect

Me: Dating is a two way street and you need 100% cooperation from both parties for things to work. If I don't know another party is interested, I'm not going to give a fucking shit unless she makes it completely obvious that she's interested (grabbing my junk in public, texting me random shit like 'Hey. how's your week going', etc)

So, after about 15 minutes of furious typing on my smartphone keypad, I come to find out that she's been interested THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME and NEVER BOTHERED TO BE DIRECT ABOUT IT.

So fuck this shit, I was absolutely done when I read that comment. He told me he wasn't going to stick his neck out for me anymore, but it's not like I was really wanting this blind date to really happen in the first place. I was really indifferent to the idea and wouldn't care either way (if it happened or didn't).

It's like Bill and Tina have a huge stake in this thing when all it boils down to is two people on a blind date who didn't really have any chemistry at the outset anyway. In my opinion, the date went well enough for a second one to go down but I don't need the pressure of two friends to push the two of us together, so I'm doing this shit on my own volition (if at all).

I talked to my dad about this because I respect his opinion the most out of anyone I know and he was pretty much dead on what everyone else here wrote (about her not being interested). His advice was to call her (at some point, not right now) and just ask if she would be interested in going on a second date and if she's not then have her tell me that she's not so I don't have mixed signals anymore.

So, that's that. Another tale for the annals of The Ozzman's life story.
You have already had a taste of the major downside for the future of this relationship. I would run like hell from it.

These two people will forever been involved in this relationship were it to progress. You do not need that bullshit. Keep your worlds apart.
You have already had a taste of the major downside for the future of this relationship. I would run like hell from it.

These two people will forever been involved in this relationship were it to progress. You do not need that bullshit. Keep your worlds apart.

Yeah, I think the one thing that strikes me is this:

If this girl isn't willing to be direct with me now, she won't be direct with me later. My ex-girlfriend wasn't direct with me when it mattered and it led to our break up. I am not going through that bullshit again.
I'm with ya, Ozz. It may be the mans job to show initial interest but if she isn't showing it back then lay off. The line between persistent and creepy is so narrow it's tough to know how to handle some situations.
I'm with ya, Ozz. It may be the mans job to show initial interest but if she isn't showing it back then lay off. The line between persistent and creepy is so narrow it's tough to know how to handle some situations.

Well, I showed the initial interest, but my friends got up in my shit and told me I was doing it wrong so I laid off and went to a more passive approach. I guess I should have seen what was going to be potentially wrong in the first place when this initially transpired.

Fuck blind dates.
It's like Bill and Tina have a huge stake in this thing when all it boils down to is two people on a blind date who didn't really have any chemistry at the outset anyway.

as I was reading your story, I was wondering, "What the fuck do they care? Shit happens."

whatever. sounds like a shitty situation, Oz, but you're right...if she wasn't upfront with you now, chances are she wouldn't be further down the relationship road. Onto better things
Well I mean you had one date...sometimes you don't like someone until you've spent a decent amount of time with them...still, any hesitation in making a second date seems fishy. Just my 2 cents though, everyone's situations are different...