Males and Females

Godamn you eharmony. All the interesting women are fatties and the cute skinny ones always give generic "I love talking to people and doing new things" crap. And every time I go back the cute whasian girl with glasses at the bookstore isn't working and I end up buying a book when I'm already backlogged by a dozen or so books I haven't even started.

Oh, and fuck vegans/vegetarians.
Lol the girl I'm seeing is vegan, and although I love my meaty foods, its not much of a problem. Anyways, this past weekend we went to LA together and had a really great time. Just need to figure out how I should like, ask her to be my girlfriend, I guess.
I'm alright with vegans, as long as they don't throw out that bullshit claim that it's better for the environment to eat vegan. Unless they're growing their own food, they can shut up.
Maybe in the UK. Over here, I see Taylor Swift lyrics posted as girls' statuses most times I log onto facebook.
The limited number of American girls I've known (two) were way more direct and... well I don't want to be rude but you know what I mean. I don't think they were romantic, actually the second one maybe, slightly. She was a doll though; really gorgeous and not even fat.
Had coffee with a girl today. I met her briefly through friends some months ago, then came across her on recently and was like "hey do i know you?" and she was like "yeah, let's catch up sometime". I wasn't too crazy about her when we first met but i figured i'd better keep an open mind considering my track record. The quasi-date consisted of her rambling about nerdy stuff while i asked unimportant questions to keep the conversation going since i had nothing to bring to the table on such matters as Star Wars, Harry Potter or graphic design (her job + hobby). I think she asked me like 1 question the whole hour+ we were talking, and she initiated the getting-ready-to-leave part of the conversation, so i guess i won't be hearing from her again.