Males and Females

zabu of nΩd;10046343 said:
honestly, not becoming a star wars nerd may be worth a lifetime of virginity

When I did dated/tried online dating, I can't remember any female mentioning Star Wars. At all. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Star Wars sucks.

I mention Star Trek on my OKC profile but I'm definitely "trouble" and not someone anyone should get emotionally involved with.
I hated the last lord of the rings film. It just fucking went on forever and it was entirely predictable. I don't care if that's the point and that's what happens in the book, since when has anybody made a film suck because that's what happens in the book.

4,5,6 > LOTR. Also, LOTR is actually more childish and predictable. Some of the Star Wars books are pretty awesome, there are two han solo series and one of them is great.

Deep Space Nine is probably more suitable for adults than Star Wars. It's also total shit.

Even if you don't enjoy the Star Wars movies, you have to respect that they were a major step forward for visual effects and aesthetics in Sci-fi.

It's the bridge between




Imo Star Wars could be considered the Lord of the Rings of sci-fi, in that it created or solidified a great number of sci-fi tropes and archtypes.
The LOTR movies were not terrible by any stretch of the imagination!

Contribution to the thread: Things with porkpal are blowing up, somewhere in there it would seem he started to really like me. I'm ok with it. The pork aspect is absolutely mindblowing and life-changing.