Males and Females

I talked to my dad about this because I respect his opinion the most out of anyone I know and he was pretty much dead on what everyone else here wrote (about her not being interested). His advice was to call her (at some point, not right now) and just ask if she would be interested in going on a second date and if she's not then have her tell me that she's not so I don't have mixed signals anymore.

I don't think that's necessarily bad advice but I think in this particular circumstance, by doing this, you're only going to prolong the issue and likely only create more stress and anxiety for yourself. I admit I'm a cynical person by nature so personally, I would pass on this girl and move on. Or, at the very least I certainly wouldn't be the one to make the next move given everything that's happened so far. Then again, maybe you do see something in her (hopefully beyond her appearance) that makes her worth pursuing?...But if you don't, then there's really no point.

She doesn't seem to be a very effective communicator at all, so in time she may accept the invitation for a second date anyways because she might not want to say no or hurt your feelings, even if you blatantly ask her about how she really feels. But maybe she is a busy person and doesn't always have time for these things or maybe she's indeed a poor communicator and/or likes to play games? Whichever of the above it may be, these aren't beneficial to building a relationship.
Mike, what did I tell you? If your last attempt at contacting her and/or scheduling time to meet up didn't work, you move on. And why are you arguing with your retarded friends? You should have just said "thanks for trying to hook me up but I'm not interested" and be done with it.
Seriously. Don't build a relationship upon teaching a girl to accurately express her interest. If she is interested but gives all the tell-tale signs of being turned off, it's best to avoid.
This. And I am reserved as fuck when I first meet people. "Soul mates" just see through each other, through the walls that are put up to block out other people.

Right. And it's not even anything as much as "soul mates" - just basic "I like you enough to have sex with you AND talk to you" shouldn't be shrouded in mystery or doubt.
So, update on cute waitress chick:

For the past week and a half, I've texted her occasionally trying to get her to come out with me. After a couple of exchanges, I started to get the feeling that she was subtly rejecting me and that we'd never hang out. So then today I decided to take a gamble on something: I sent her a text morally chastising her for being misleading.

Man, that was pretty ballsy. I'll have to try that some time if I ever get that far with a woman again
Are there any free online dating sites that don't exist for the purpose of studying the nature of their members? I ask that because okcupid is a website with relatively low reply rates and the shallowest profiling I've seen on a dating site outside of
I realized tonight that I can never get over my ex until I find somebody else, and if she gets with anyone else before I do I might commit suicide.
Stay alive. Anyone can die. But in all seriousness, this issue will seem a lot less urgent and overpowering when more time has passed than the relationship you had with her. Just hang in there, and the changing ratio of time with her to time without her will work its magic.
I wish I had the cojones to do anything remotely as ballsy as that, Cyth. Well done.

I suppose I have a minor contribution to make to this thread. There was a cute girl behind me when I saw Immolation a couple of weeks ago, and we kept looking at each other simultaneously and giving each other faggy smiles. After the set, we sort of awkwardly hung around the middle of the floor until she came up to me, started talking about bands, then asked me to put my name on her phone. She added me on Facebook and we've talked a couple of times, but I really hope something happens next time I'm in Chicago. The only problem is that she's from China and it's clear that she hasn't been speaking English much. Oh well, she's a neat art student that likes metal music and happens to be pretty darn cute, so a little language barrier doesn't bother me. The only problem is that I don't know if she wants me to be a metal buddy or a male buddy. I'm putting next to no thought in it though.
I had a pretty awesome first date with a girl from OkCupid tonight. When it's going to click, I think it's almost always obvious in about five minutes. Learning to actually read body language will enable you to loosen up and not have to guess about things all night. And odds are it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy from there.

I don't know what all of you guys are doing wrong on OkC. You have to be patient, accept some fails, and possibly live in a very large city where there are a lot of options. That last point might be the main thing. There are tons of cool, attractive, art students who are just the right amount of crazy here. I'm sure all of you guys can at least string together sentences in a coherent way, and I'm guessing most of you aren't any less attractive than I am. Asking a girl about her interests and starting a conversation tend to be good ideas.