Males and Females

His argument is that if you drink alcohol, you still do drugs. That's obviously not what the 'Drugs' question implies, but we all know Rick is a jackass so it's okay ;)
That. ^

Alcohol is (for the most part) an accepted part of our society, and people are too dumb/stubborn to accept that there is one drug they are fine with, so instead they separate it into its own category. "Drugs and alcohol" makes my blood boil. It's a fucking drug. Deal with it. Same goes for the tons of potheads who say weed isn't a drug.
The word "drug" only has a negative connotation because of those douchebags who started the war on drugs in order to squelch an industry.
They started the War on Drugs to drive prices and make it boom, not to end it. How else would we fund our black budget operations? The CIA is the #1 drug runner in the world.
Good point. I also remember reading a statistic about the percentage of drugs that cops confiscate that are recirculated. I'm really hoping that group the UN put together will actually change things.
It depends on how much. If you have a glass of wine a day, it's "better" than all the lung damage you'd do hitting blunts all day every day.
That's true. But ingesting THC (without smoking it) once a week is much less damaging to the brain than alcohol. The amount of weed it takes to get intoxicated does much less damage compared to the amount of alcohol it takes.
No offense to David or his profile: But I thought the "Atheism and somewhat serious about it" part was funny. Serious about non-theistic beliefs? I barely think about religious beliefs in my life, so I'm hard-pressed to think of how serious one can be relating to no belief in god or gods.
On a side note from today's day out: Why is "hollering" at women in restaraunts harder than doing the same in grocery/retail stores? Is that just a mental block or what?(Maybe krampus knows lol)
This might be due to national culture differences but I've never seen anyone get chatted up in a shop.
Don't hate because we're right.

Look, everypony knows that alcohol is technically a drug and that when people say "drugs" they mean harder drugs, not fucking coffee. There’s nothing funny about that at all. It’s not even misleading, becuase it’s fucking obvious, so shut up you smartass.

This might be due to national culture differences but I've never seen anyone get chatted up in a shop.

That’s because it’s fucking lame.
This might be due to national culture differences but I've never seen anyone get chatted up in a shop.
It doesn't happen so often here, but then again I live in a rural community. I've seen it though. Where are you from?
I don't really see much of any difference in chatting someone up at the shop as compared to online dating/facebook. Both fields are open to a stranger becoming something more in their life. And a person becomes more of a social being and is generally happier when they do talk to strangers. It's just that cultural norms and fear tend to make people go to more comfortable avenues to finding mate(s).