Males and Females

So go for it, Ozz. Not really anything to lose, just try not to get attached unless it's clear she feels the same.
So, remember how I posted about my recent episode with Hot Nurse? Remember how you all said to forget about her?

Well, against my better judgment, I'm pursuing her. My reasoning is that I never gave her a fair shot and I should at least do that for her (because I'm an idiot/nice guy/whatever).

So, I sent her a text when I was at work last week I think? I asked her when it would be a good time to call her. So, I got a text back about 12 hours later saying to try Friday because she was working the nights in between then. So, Friday night comes up and I go to call and...I get her voicemail. So, I leave a voicemail and I get a text 40 minutes later from her basically saying that she was at her sister's and didn't get good reception, etc etc and to call her tomorrow.

So, tomorrow (Saturday) rolls around and I call her mid afternoon and she answers and asks if she can call me back because she's in the middle of something, so I say sure. 30 mins go by and I get a call back and I basically ask her if she'd be interested in going on a second date and she obliged but she wasn't sure about her schedule because she picked up a shift yadda yadda. So I just told her to get back to me when she had that in order.

Well, we come to Tuesday and I send her a text and say 'So, what's up with your schedule?' and I get a text later that night and she apologized because she was having phone problems and other such things. She said that she was free Monday and Tuesday night so I offered dinner on Tuesday and she said sure and to call her this weekend to iron out the details (Sunday evening).

and here we are. So now I have two days to stew over this, but the length between her texts is getting shorter now, so maybe she's becoming less apprehensive about this second date thing..

Wow. One excuse after another after's like an episode of Seinfeld or something.

I think the only fair thing to do would be to set up a second date, be a no-show, and then give her a string of excuses as to why you couldn't make it.
Lucky you.

I don't know. I've possessed a loner type personality for so long I think it could be detrimental to my relationships going forward.

I think the only fair thing to do would be to set up a second date, be a no-show, and then give her a string of excuses as to why you couldn't make it.

That's a little too passive-aggressive. Don't you think?

This. I could never bring myself to do that unless someone deserved it. She's busier than I am, so I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt at this point. If she's a no-show for the second date, I'm definitely done though.
I wasn't really being serious but I do think it would be a fitting end to this peculiar puzzle.

Really though, it sounds like you've got to schedule in an appointment with her first just to have a conversation or even to discuss plans for a (potential) get-together. I just don't see how any sort of healthy relationship could come about from being with this woman.
I wasn't really being serious but I do think it would be a fitting end to this peculiar puzzle.

Really though, it sounds like you've got to schedule in an appointment with her first just to have a conversation or even to discuss plans for a (potential) get-together. I just don't see how any sort of healthy relationship could come about from being with this woman.

Well, it's possible that this is the reason why she's single. My sister worked weird shifts when she was starting out as a nurse, so I'm trying to be as understanding as possible when it comes to this.
Being a loner is where it's at imo. Even when I was with Ashley I was still a "loner." Basically the only person I did anything with was her, but it wasn't even remotely similar to hanging out with friends or other family members.
Agreed. Though, I think for me it's mostly due to a lack of maturity since I'm only eighteen. I broke off the more serious of my relationships simply because I'm just not mature enough to care about all the thoughts, actions, and feelings of another person. The only girl I could imagine myself being with now is an atheist who loves to talk at length about videogames, religion, politics, philosophy, history, music, and languages.
The only girl I could imagine myself being with now is an atheist who loves to talk at length about religion, politics, philosophy, history, music, and languages.

This is my ideal, too, but I'm not an idealist, so I pursue anyone who has the potential to fulfill emotional needs that do not necessarily have to overlap with my academic life. My girlfriend of two years was an ecology major and our academic interests were almost completely separate. We connected in other dimensions. Well, mainly sex, but that was good enough and still is.
I wish I were a little less picky, but I think with the aid of online dating services, I could find my ideal girl. That makes it hard not to do a mental checklist with every girl I meet.
That's definitely my problem. I could list any number of criteria...thin, light complexion, not too girly but still feminine, more of a homebody that a partier, similar interests, likes to drink but isn't a drunk, agreeable but not a pushover either. I could go on...

With the dating sites though it's definitely my aversion to the fatties. All the ladies that seem like perfect fits are not at all physically attractive. The attractive ones are incredibly boring and seem to thrive completely on social interaction and don't seem to offer much else.
I know that feel. I don't care about race so much, as long as the girl is attractive. But if I were to list all my criteria for women, I'd sound like a woman.
I know that feel. I don't care about race so much, as long as the girl is attractive.

This for me. My requirements are that she's not too grotesque looking or too fat. I find a fair deal of women attractive as long as they aren't fat or ugly (imo of course). I'm very fond of older women (30+ years old with 40 as my cut off for hooking up and 35 my cutoff for dating)

My ideal pick would be 32 years old, natural auburn hair, a sleeve tattoo, likes metal, no kids and at least 5'7" tall