Males and Females

I think if I could break out of my shell of being awkwardly quiet in social situations I could afford to be much pickier than I am now. As it is, low confidence is my Achilles.
25, red/blond/light brown hair, no tattoos, likes metal, no kids, and less than than 5'7" tall. =P

I'm going to one-up you now. :p Attractive, shorter than me, younger than me, atheist, intelligent, as into languages as I am, logical, loves exploring new music, plays an instrument or sings (well), loves to discuss politics, history, philosophy, and religion, will understand and use videogame references, would enjoy playing Starcraft (or any other game I enjoy) with or against me, is active, but not like a jock, isn't pretentious or full of herself, doesn't mind me having a forever alone party once in a while, and doesn't talk to me about boring, insignificant things.
19-22, a little shorter than me, but not short (I'm 6"2), white, slim but curvaceous, either brunette or artificially red haired, a sweet voice as opposed to a strong rural accent and heavy smoker voice, good legs, nice feet and a lovely athletic but curvy backside. Plus tits that say, "hey, look at these". Oh and it's a bonus if she's from some other European country and has a cool accent, although there are exceptions. She should be really sweet and not conceited. She should be slightly more intelligent than me, but love me anyway and be really cuddly and generally a warm person with a healthy sexual appetite and fantasies that sit comfortably with my own. She should also be a great cook, specializing mainly in European dishes that lack rice.

Oh yeah and she should be really pretty.
In all seriousness, there are long term benefits. Mainly the lack of sagging later on.
I'm kind of bummed today. Went on a really good date with a very pretty girl last week. Some spirited making out while waiting for the bus afterwards. But she lagged about the follow-up date and then pulled the "just friends" card on me yesterday, yet she wants to see me again next week. I'm thinking it's probably mostly that she's into another guy or girl more, so I'm not sure if it's worth it to put up with friend time and hope something develops later, or if I shouldn't bother. It's not like I have too much else going on, and if there was something of a physical connection before, it might go there if I get a few drinks in her.

I hate not knowing if there was something I did wrong on the first date, or if she's dating around and there's someone hotter I can't compete with.
Is that your Saturday? Just head to Walmart and start randomly approaching women?
Haha, a small part of it. Meeting women is such a minuscule part of my life. Actually I slept in late and then had a good breakfast. I played some guitar after watching TV. Then a little later I went to the park and ran a couple miles. After that, I went to the pool hall and shot a couple games of pool. Went home, had some McDonald's food that Mom brought me. Then a couple hours later I did the Wal Mart thing. Randomly approached 2 women, one with a friend, things went well, but they had boyfriends. Oh well, after that I went to my favorite "dairy bar" to get some ice cream and chatted with workers. Then I came home and played more guitar and New Super Mario Brothers on the Wii. And I'm watching MMA fights and boxing matches tonight. :)
My life doesn't revolve around girls.
People have told me religious views don't matter, but I disagree. I could be (and have been) friends with a creationist, but I wouldn't emotionally invest myself in someone whose beliefs make me want to start a debate.
The fact that she didn't believe in evolution or gay marriage wasn't so much an issue with me. The problem was much more fundamental. Faith and trust are the same word in Latin and Greek (fides/πιστις) and her faith/trust in God was so much that she distrusts any other non-metaphysical being, and finds completeness in her life through a deity rather than in other human beings. That and her relgiosity naturally made her a naive idealist who ran away from any situation/relationship as soon as she realized that the Platonic ideal of a relationship wasn't being realized.
I think the religious thing is crucial and for a million reasons but it really perturbs me that people would choose to be in a serious relationship yet put their "god" or "saviour" before their spouse, and worse, before their own family.
A lot of religions are based on fear. It makes sense. You hardly have any religions that don't have evil deities/beings to be afraid of.

The fact that she didn't believe in evolution or gay marriage wasn't so much an issue with me. The problem was much more fundamental. Faith and trust are the same word in Latin and Greek (fides/πιστις) and her faith/trust in God was so much that she distrusts any other non-metaphysical being, and finds completeness in her life through a deity rather than in other human beings. That and her relgiosity naturally made her a naive idealist who ran away from any situation/relationship as soon as she realized that the Platonic ideal of a relationship wasn't being realized.

I don't understand how, as an atheist, you could date a theist.
I would. I am an atheist but I fear the realities of living in a world where everyone else held similar beliefs regarding the supernatural. If it takes a fear of god to prevent people from regressing into animalistic behaviour then that what needs to be there. I don't want some pack of retarded baboon people trying to eat me and if the fear of eternal hell and damnation lessens the likelihood of that, then fair enough.

Also, plenty of smart, thinking people have their religious beliefs kind of compartmentalised, so you can still have deep conversations with them without them "hitting a wall" and getting upset.