Males and Females

I'm on a tight tight budget, haha. Still looking for a job in this shithole of a town, so only one is an option currently. Maybe taking her for ice cream at the park and then a movie could be an option though.
Does anyone else FLY OFF THE FUCKING HANDLE when their slampiece is wronged by others? E.G. some asshole sideswiped PP this morning and broke his mirror and then hurled verbal abuse at him and refused to give out her insurance information so he wound up calling the police, and now all I can think about is ordering tons of illegal drugs to her residence and chopping her up into tiny pieces and feeding her to the cat I hear meowing outside.

Also, PMS. Never fucking fails. Tripping on a canoe away from indoor plumbing and tent camping this weekend and I'm 95% sure my "aunt" will arrive.
Also, PMS. Never fucking fails. Tripping on a canoe away from indoor plumbing and tent camping this weekend and I'm 95% sure my "aunt" will arrive.

like seriously
do you really need "indoor plumbing" to use tampons??

like if you really need to "wash yourself out" just submerge yourself in the water that you're canoeing in
Does anyone else FLY OFF THE FUCKING HANDLE when their slampiece is wronged by others? E.G. some asshole sideswiped PP this morning and broke his mirror and then hurled verbal abuse at him and refused to give out her insurance information so he wound up calling the police, and now all I can think about is ordering tons of illegal drugs to her residence and chopping her up into tiny pieces and feeding her to the cat I hear meowing outside.

For a second there I thought you said you would chop her cat up and feed it to the cat outside. I was going to have to find you and chop YOU up. Thankfully I misread.
Haven't really been on much lately. Is everyone still a bunch of sad lonely faggots?

Spent the first half of the summer living with my girlfriend, just recently moved back home. Sorta sucks, sorta awesome. Mostly sucks.
My parents have more or less accepted that I drink and smoke weed and stay up all night and shit, so it's actually pretty fine. I just have to help out around the house, which I'd have to do if I was living alone anyways. The not-sex is a bummer, though, as is the whole not really knowing anyone here anymore because I haven't spent more than a week or two here for over 3 years.
All it ever did was make me thinking that the friends I'm sat around with are going to stab my eyes with the nearest table knife. Or that the cats sat on the fence are signalling to all the other cats in the neighbourhood with their ears.

I have problems with my misogyny. I could permeate steel with it.
holy fuck you posted an actual hot girl. She has that American face that I love. There are basically no girls in the UK with that kind of face.