Males and Females

monoxide does definitely damage the forum's flow and level of intelligent conversation. Maybe a goblin under a bridge will eat him and all of his babies.
Is it acceptable for a 22 year old guy to kind of target 18-19 year old girls for dating? I just think they're probably more likely to be at a place where I'm kind of desirable to them. I don't have a car or a job or anything. Will have a place of my own again soon though.
Do you people actually not have monoxide on ignore? It's a wonderful tool.

Also, JAGE: you know better than that.
I'm sure it's so common that it's normal.

I'm fucked, I've stayed too immature for too long now and I'm fucked. Bollocks. I hate women.
There's nothing wrong with sleeping with or dating women who are a few years younger - that's fine. But deliberately going after them because they lack the experience to avoid guys like you is definitely on the creepy side.
I got bored and reactivated my Okcupid. I started talking to a cute girl last night with green hair and a bunch of badass tattoos, she seems pretty cool. If the conversation continues to go well for another round or two I'll probably ask her out. She likes to drink apparently so it would probably be a date consisting of barhopping and getting schlitzed, which is totally fine by me. I won't be in the city she lives in/the one I'm moving back to in the fall for a couple weeks though. I feel like asking somebody out two/three weeks in advance is weird. Opinions?
Well I just asked, but I said 'next time I'm in town' so its not like a concrete time. If I get a no then whatever.

edit: got an affirmative response. Will likely be beginning with pizza. After that, I don't know. Probably alcohol.
Is it acceptable for a 22 year old guy to kind of target 18-19 year old girls for dating? I just think they're probably more likely to be at a place where I'm kind of desirable to them. I don't have a car or a job or anything. Will have a place of my own again soon though.

I'm 23, will soon have a job and a place, and my girlfriend is under 18. Nothing wrong with that duder.