Males and Females

Ask, and you shall receive.

Funerary Doom remains as my favorite chick here. She's probably smoking hot too, nobody's that cool without being hot.

I am pleasantly surprised with females taking over this thread, for once. :D

Ha thanks, Krow i knew i liked you!

Carpe: awe<3 shush we could all say the same about you miss taxidermy bone collecting rad chick. Btw, your mention of Fritz the cat&#8230; +10 points. I was at work and couldn't respond and fully geek out and then forgot where that post went. but seriously the cartoon is awesome. i might've posted a picture like when i first came then took it down because Onder made fun of me :(, and don't think i posted one again. But now that i have balls now, i'll probably post one again.
I am pleasantly surprised with females taking over this thread, for once. :D

Ha thanks, Krow i knew i liked you!

Carpe: awe<3 shush we could all say the same about you miss taxidermy bone collecting rad chick. Btw, your mention of Fritz the cat… +10 points. I was at work and couldn't respond and fully geek out and then forgot where that post went. but seriously the cartoon is awesome. i might've posted a picture like when i first came then took it down because Onder made fun of me :(, and don't think i posted one again. But now that i have balls now, i'll probably post one again.

Dawwww :devil: Yeah dude I love Ralph Bakshi, and rotoscoping animation in general. Actually just learned what its called like a year ago, fuckin genius to layer artwork and photographs like that.

EDIT: But really, this place is a collection of good looking men obviously and if you disagree then I'm sorry that 50 Shades ruined your expectations

Yeah. Bitches need to learn that greasy long-haired Italians with beer guts and the fashion trend of a farmer who wears the same jeans and t-shirt year round are sexy.
I'm sure there's some kind of farmer town in Texas full of Italians that would welcome you as their god.
My mans a greasy italian with a receding hairline and a belly who barely showers and isnt allowed to shave ever. What can I say, the man's basically a biker lumberjack, and that shit is sexy.
I am a rather short man with a slender frame. I cannot grow facial hair above a 9th grade level. My self-esteem is poor. I have very little hope. Since when did having a moderate income and owning a home stop mattering? I guess there are too many choices in a big city.

Postscript: Below 5'10" is practically a midget.
Postscript: Below 5'10" is practically a midget.

Yep. I'm 5'7" and only tinier Asian-born girls and predatory homosexuals have ever demonstrated physical interest in me. Today I saw some kinda metal looking dude who looked decent from a distance as I was walking down a slope, but I realized he was probably 5'2" or less when I got closer, and all I could think about was how strong his spirit must be for him to not have committed suicide already.