- Oct 7, 2002
- 2,688
- 12
- 38
In the immortal words of Ozzy: Christmas can fuck off man!
Seems like the closer we get, the more fucking arrogant, selfish
self centered self interested self righteous greedy and petty
everyone gets. Jesus Christ on the fucking cross.
I tried doing my christmas shopping today, cause well, I havent
started yet and all I can say is, by the time I got my truck parked
all I did was listen to metal discs at FYE (music store) And I did it
for hours and didnt do any shopping.
From all the parking lot dicks who jack you for spaces before they
broadside you to all the traffic assholes who cut you off and nearly
take your f'ing front fender off cause god forbid you're ONE WHOLE
car ahead of them. And let's not leave out all the stupid-mall-fucks
who stand in the middle of the aisle so you walk right into them
and the ones who walk slower than turtle shit and stop right in
front of you and unavoidably you're forced to get a wiff of their
smelly ass.
my 12 in my possession.
And on top of it I've been going through Nicotine Withdrawls.
but don't worry :Smug: I caved. No more withdrawls.