ok, i have a jack in the box story, but it's totally unrelated to food.
A friend was sitting in Jack in the Box, eating his taquitos and burger, when an older woman in a car comes bounding into the parking lot and smashes (not bumps, SMASHES) into another car's bumper/fender/back end. He looks around and no one seems to have noticed what just happened. The woman backs up and pulls into a space. He thinks "oh, she's going to come in and find whose car she hit and make it all righty-right." She comes in (like an 80-yr old woman), goes up to the counter, orders her food, sits down, and proceeds to eat. He looks at her, thinking "WTF", gets up, goes over to her and asks, "Excuse me, are you going to tell anyone you just hit that car?" She responds, "YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!"
So, he decides to walk around, while eating his taquitos and asking people "Excuse me, do you have a white car?" Finally a guy said yes, and he told him "That lady over there just hit you." It was a semi-good deed for the day, but mostly just entertainment for my friend.
I can't believe the lady just went in and ate if she was going to avoid the repercussions of her bad driving. It's not like there's only one Jack in the Box in this town- the point of leaving the scene of an accident is to LEAVE, not pull in and order a sourdough burger.