Crazed Diet Coke Addict
Saw it this weekend and loved it. Even Mary liked it, and she generally won't watch anything comic book-related.
Iron Man rocked. I saw it yesterday. What a great movie I was smiling form ear to ear the whole movie. What great acting by RDJ, he rules as Iron Man!!!!I cannot wait for IM2 and all teh others that are coming. Where is Aquaman and Wonder Woman in all of this? Anyone see a Justice League theme happening or the other side is the Avengers.
DC was working on a Wonder Woman movie that got tossed aside for a JLA movie but rumor is that is now on hold as well. No clue about Aquaman. I honestly have never seen him as being popular enough within the DC universe to have his own movie.
Where is Aquaman and Wonder Woman in all of this? Anyone see a Justice League theme happening or the other side is the Avengers.
As far as X-men goes, they did need a better Rogue. They picked a perfect "Beast", they could have done better in their choice for her. She was favorite character in that series and one of the most powerful imo. All she had to do was touch you and she could bring you to your knees. Now that is my kinda
I always felt that Rogue in the movies was basically Jubilee with Rogue's powers.
Just read these two stories:
Marvel today updated its feature film slate strategy and plans for the next three years, locking in key release windows for its character franchises. In order to focus its attention on maximizing the success of an Iron Man sequel and the launch of Thor in the summer of 2010 and because Marvel believes that the summer is the optimal time to launch a new property, the Company will not release a self produced film in 2009. Marvel plans to launch its 2010 film slate with the release of the sequel, 'Iron Man 2', on April 30, 2010, followed by the launch of 'Thor' on June 4, 2010. Additionally, Marvel is planting its feature film stakes for summer 2011 with an Avengers-themed summer a two-picture project which will debut on May 6, 2011 with 'The First Avenger: Captain America' (working title), followed by 'The Avengers' in July 2011.
Marvel's biggest fear production is Captain America, feeling that if tthey keep the character true to form, it will not sell overseas (ya gotta love the accountants). My biggest fear is who Marvel has on their top list to play Steve Rogers:
lame choice if ya ask me... he cant act his way out of a paper bag..heres my choice:Brad Beyer formerly of CBS Jericho