Daredevil: "The Man Without Fear"


Comic book fans are a hard lot to please. It's not because we are nerds. OK, it's not just because we are nerds:D But really, comics do not lend themselves to movies. People think that because Star Wars and Lord of the Rings make for such cool films, that comics will to. The thing people forget is that the whole reason for drawing these books, is that you can fantastic characters do things that no real person can ever do. And in between panels, it's all up to your own imagination. Good animation better suits comic book characters than live film often times. To verify this, check out Spawn the Movie and then watch Spawn the Animated series. There is no question the animated version is better! And the other problem with comic book movies, is that they take the characters we have read for years and years and know better than anyone, and put it all in a 2 hour movie, w/ all that Hollywood fluff to attract the mainstream. Sorry guys, as a life long Spiderman reader, there was no way to make me happy w/ that movie. Good movie, yes, great movie no. But like I said, comics don't equal movies. Two different mediums. X-men was an exception, and so was Tim Burton's Batman.

Anyway. Daredevil: Very Good Movie. They stuck to the comic tradition pretty closely. Anyone who ever read Daredevil knows that although he comes out on top usually, he also generally get's the shit knocked out of him in the process. That was what made Daredevil so cool. They kept that. Also, DD's love interest, well, I don't wanna ruin it for the non comic people, but it ain't a rosy love story. They kept that. Kingpin is a 500 pound white dude. They made a 300 pound black guy portray him. He was still good though. The movie could've developed a little more. But, if it went a full two hours, it may have dragged. That is why I don't make films.

For those of you who want a simplified synopsis: Imagine a character not quite as chipper as Spidey, but not quite as moody as the Punisher. If that fits your bill, you'll dig. Everything else is the same as you'd expect in a comic movie. Elektra is HOT. Affleck is quite good believe it or not. Collin Farrell, he is the coolest. There is action, steamy love scenes, and even comic relief. Go judge for yourself.
Jon Faveru was cool. I thought there was to much reliance on cgi, they made DD climb and jump like hes Spidey. Elektra was hot as TD says. Colin Farrell chewed up and spit out every scene he was in. I thought the choice for Kingpin was perfect. A lot of it was directly taken from the Frank Miller run on the comic books. Cool Kevin Smith and Stan Lee appearances. Also all of the fighters names were comic book artists.
I'm a big Daredevil fan. Blind in one, I really thought he was the shit as a kid.
I thought the movie was excellent too, even though it got horrible reviews.
Did any Daredevil fans catch any of the tidbits of book to movie coincidences during the movie?
Like when Matt's father was fighting John Romita? (artist of Daredevil)
Or the dude who worked in the morgue? Forgot who he was, but he worked on the Daredevil comic book.
Or when young Matt stopped Stan Lee from getting run over?

Other thoughts......The whole 'sound' thing that helps him see, isn't like that in the books, but I realize sacrifices have to be made in order to make this interesting.
Bullseye should have had a costume. Don't understand why he didn't, even after asking for one.

At least they followed the book pretty well, and had a good villain. (unlike the Toad from X-men)

What about the promo for X-men 2? THAT LOOKED AWESOME.
comics to film suck, the crow is the only exception.........use the comic as a story board or don't bother.......x men 2 whocares, that ain't no x men to begin with, whats up with stan lee!?!!?!?

how could he let either spidey or x men go through!?!?!?
The Crow could have been a lot better if Brandon Lee didn't die while filming. There was no way to explain the electrical tape on his arms in scenes that were filmed before he died, and even if they cut that part out completely for reasons other than his death, they couldn't go back and redo scenes without the tape. But at least they had a good reason instead of just deciding to suck. I agree that it was rather accurate apart from that one thing.

I never even heard of Daredevil and knew it was a comic book movie from the commercials. I'm going to wait until it hits Hollywood Video. That will give me months and months to listen to my sister's non-stop bitching about it....
to be honest you are better off notknowing anythign about it........cos that way you don't know the annoying things about em.....everyone i know that don't read the comics love the films, and thats cool for them.........

i am just way way pleased i have never heard of any plans to do a sandman film
I thought they could have spent a little more time developing thier relationship. It seemed to happen pretty much over night. In a 1 hour 50 min movie, another five minutes of relationship shit would have helped.

I also thought the movie was very similar tp Spiderman as far as structure goes. It starts with the voice over and finishes with the voice over, the hero reaffirming his convictions over his theme music while striking poses over the city.

I thought Affleck and Farrell turned in good performances and I'm in love with Jennifer Garner.

The X2 preview was sweet and definately looks to top the first (sorry lokey, Xmen was bitchin'). I also think the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen looks good.

Overall, I'll probably see DD again, if anything just to see Jennifer Garner shake off her jean jacket again....
Daredevil was good. Spider-Man was WAY better.

I heard there is another scene after the credits roll. I left while the credits were rolling, so I can't confirm this.
Yeah, it's an opinion. I LOVED the Spider-Man movie.
But did you see the extra scene at the end of Daredevil?
Yeah it was cool. Dude, it's apples and oranges I guess. If I wasn't such a Spidey nut, I'd have liked the movie more. All in all it is a superior movie to DD. But SPidey had to much gleek factor for me. In the process of making it a love story they left out Spidey's first true love: Gwen Stacy. Who was killed by the Green Goblin (or was she, Spidey blames himself) but now the whole world who watched that film, will never know what always haunts Spideys heart.
Brat- With the exception of the Silence of the Lambs and Fight Club, I would agree with you. In those two cases I thought the movie was actually better.

Can't wait to see the Hulk....