Man, this fucken album rules. (Bathory content)


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge

Yeah, I know, goes without saying. But I just listened to it again (last night AND again this morning) for the first couple times in a few months. Just so fucken good! :headbang:

Favorite songs, in order:
"One Rode To Asa Bay"
"Home of the Once Brave"
"Shores In Flames"
"Father To Son"
"Baptised In Fire and Ice"
"Song To Hall Up High"
Favorite songs, in order, kinda:
"One Rode To Asa Bay"
"Shores In Flames"
"Song To Hall Up High"/"Home of Once Brave" (I see these as one, kinda)
"Baptised In Fire and Ice"
"Father To Son"

"Song to Hall Up High", amazing. Chills down my spine every time he goes "when my time has come to die"
hmm... song rankins:
1. one rode to asa bay
2. shores in flames
3. song to hall up high
4. father to son
5. valhalla
6. baptized in fire and ice
7. home of once brave
IOfTheStorm said:
Well i wouldnt consider it best album ever too (of course i freakin love "Hammerheart") but its DEFINETALLY the most EPIC metal album ever.

I would not disagree with that statement. I also must say that the new Falkenbach reminds me VERY much of the same feelings I get from Hammerheart. Yes, it's that good!
Or "Blood and Iron"!

1. One Rode to Asa Bay
2. Valhalla
3. Baptised and Fire and Ice
4. Shores in Flames
5. Home to Once Brave
6. Song to Hall Up High
7. Father to Son
To Enter Your Mountain

Listen to that song and then listen to the last song on Moonsorrow's "Voimasta". Pure riff stealage (or homage).
One song on NeChrist, I forget which one right now, also totally rips off a part from Shores in Flames, but I think it's supposed to be a tribute.

And Sentenced's "Nepenthe", of course, rips off "Under the Runes"