Mar De Grises - The Tatterdemalion Express

er...since we were a METAL WEBZINE?!!!

I'm not saying don't list them, I'm just saying segregate them. Our audience are metal fans!

Of course, there will be some albums that blur between metal and non-metal, which is fine, but if you're including "Tears for Fears" then yeah, make a separate list.

Oh and labels will reference our year end lists as well, and we only deal with metal labels, going back to us being a metal webzine et al.
Yeah, by all means, include a different list.

Here's the deal - it would be a shame, for example, that Enslaved got left out of the metal top 10 list because people wanted a non-metal band in its place. Well, as much as we all advocate listening to a variety of music, we (RC) do try to support the underground and the underground labels. So we'd be doing a label like Tuba Recordings a favour if they were able to reference us as having Enslaved in our top lists.

It's all about the underground support my boyz. :cool:
I know I'm late on this but I finally got this album earlier this month, and it is epic doom at its best, dripping with emotion and with frequent progressive touches. Every song is great, but Storm is just brilliant from first note to last. The first in my procrastination series of albums that would have been top 20 of '04 had I heard them before the deadline.
Thanks to Deron for restoring the search so I can engage in gratuitous bumping again. Naturally enough, I got my daily cannot find server the first time I tried to post this message, but it went through and the invaluable feature is back, so sing and...rejoice?
I still can't get over the fact that it's a debut....

...but then, most debuts are the best album in a discography, so I suppose it's only downhill from here on.
Atlas Shrugged said:
You figure, a band has more time to work on a debut than a follow up.
Yeah I've always gone with that logic. It depends on the type of music though, some work better after honing their craft, others benefit from being young dumb and full of cum.
I've never subscribed to "the debut is always the best" thing (to me, it's the third or fourth that does it), maybe because that isn't the case with most of my favorites, but the cliche about having a lifetime to work on your first and a year or less for all the others is certainly true.
Hello guys!
Here's Rodrigo G from the chilean doomact Mar de Grises...

We have the pleasure to announce that this year we will be crossing the
ocean, halfway around the world, to take our music and all the energy of our
live presentations to Europe!

between the 7th and 25th of April we will be walking through European lands
in what can be counted as our first tour, which at the moment includes gigs
in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Denmark, Belgium and Holland among others
countries. As part of this tour we will be playing at the great German
festival DoomShallRise III and we'll also be taking part in a "warming up"
show for the Belgian Doom Night!
(We will be carrying special merchandise along the way).

Next to our team of work we are anxiously looking forward for the tour to

For the gigs details check:

We are still seeking dates for the 11th,12th and 13th of April.
We will be around the France/Switzerland or Northern Spain sector in those
days, and in the Northern Germany sector for the 19th of April.
so if you happen to know any bands/promoters/friends who could help us out
with a couple of last minute gigs please contact to: Mr Adrian Butler -

We thank beforehand the exposure of this important information.

See you on tour.


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