Marshall JVM410 OD2 Orange vs. Red

your pick?

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Both sound good. But I slightly prefer orange.

Edit: These two tones are really growing on me. Which cab and mic did you use Lasse?
red. I generally like the OD2 red better than orange. It's reverse for me on OD1 though.
There's something about the articulation on the Orange modes of my JVM that I love. They always sound looser and thicker than red, but there's something about the percusiveness of the rhythm technique that they retain.

Listening to this test on cans, but I could go either way. Really depends what works better in the final mix/what the band prefers. If you quad tracked this I would recommend combining OD 1 Orange with OD 2 Red... the combination is perfect. You get the hugeness and clarity combined with the saturation and smoothness. It's a one-amp quad-tracking machine.

Fucking love this amp.
Jesus that sounds REDONKULOUSLY PHAT!!

I really like both, but I think Orange just squeezes it for me.

As an aside Lasse, do you have any negative opinions of the JVM?
As an aside Lasse, do you have any negative opinions of the JVM?

yes, it's beyond fucking noisy!
it's MUCH MUCH noisier than any high gain amp I've ever played, usually you hear the noise/hiss before the track and then the actual playing comes in much louder...
when reamping with the JVM you hear that noise and when the actual track sets in it really doesn't feel that much louder.
Red for me, sounds a bit more open and smoother in the palm also has gain set a bit higher then the orange sample I think

Tried the JVM410 a while back with a Marshall 1960 and a Mesa OS, and it sounded very cool (all channels, also really nice clean and crunch sounds!), but there were very prominent high mids that I couldn't
get out of the tone with tweaking the knobs...was quite annoying after a while

But it's one hell of a beast, especially considering the price! I allready recommended it to a friend who wanted to get his first tube head

edit: but yeah, NOISY AS FUCK.
even worse then the 5150
You keep making me GAS for one of these. I'll probably pick one up in the next 3 months...but with an ISP decimator by the sound (noise) of things. Great tones to be had Lasse