Maryland Deathfest 2019

Holy shit two guys had an argument at a festival of 5000 people??
I wouldn't call an activist security guard kicking a guy out of MDF because he was triggered by a patch "two guys had an argument" but that's okay, I understand you have brain-damage lmao.

I didn't take that as a serious comment but I also haven't taken Onder seriously for years. He still needs to read a book.
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MDF has turned to such trash I do t even consider going any more.

Idk, it's still the best fest around that I can feasibly get to (3 hour drive is worth it for me). Always a kickass time and usually quite a handful of must see bands. I'm having a hard time not enjoying myself.

As far as that security incident goes, I think it was just a one off thing. I've seen plenty of the "racist" bands merch for sale in the past few days and guys wearing it with no issues. But hey, if that is all it takes to steer you away from the fest, fine.
I wouldn't call an activist security guard kicking a guy out of MDF because he was triggered by a patch "two guys had an argument" but that's okay, I understand you have brain-damage lmao.

Oh yeah sorry "two guys had an argument over a patch". Also, just so you're happy: "one of them probably overstepped his authority while working as a security guard". I'm sorry but I have brain damage and also that is not surprising because I was born in Europe and we don't even have furniture here yet so yeah, everybody gets born a little retarded, I apologize to everyone from the civilized countries for spoiling the discussion about two guys having an argument over a patch.
Alcoholism eradicated your self-awareness?

Oh geez, yeah, that's another reason why I should have never entered this grown ups discussion - you see I'm a Europeeon, and we are all alcoholics ever since the childhood so then we have troubles with movement and critical thinking.

However I wish you would stop kicking the dead horse, for I've already apologized for posting in this thread.