Maryland Deathfest VII

Dec 1, 2005
Maryland Deathfest VII
May 22nd - 24th, 2009
@ Sonar in Baltimore, MD

Pestilence (Netherlands)
Mayhem (Norway)
Atheist (Florida)
Asphyx (Netherlands)
Immolation (New York)
Brutal Truth (New York)
Hail of Bullets (Netherlands)
Abscess (California)
General Surgery (Sweden)
Today is the Day (Tennessee)
Phobia (California)
Sayyadina (Sweden)
Flesh Parade (Louisiana)
Jig-Ai (Czech Republic)
Antigama (Poland)
Gnostic (Georgia)
Crowpath (Sweden)
Man Must Die (Scotland)
Entrails Massacre (Germany)
Triac (Maryland)
+ many more T.B.A.

I really hope Immolation is in a better time slot than they were in 2005. I was beat and almost fell asleep during their set as they were the last band of the fest.
Hopefully I can go. I might be in school in Hong Kong and they get out in May. Plus I would have to drag a friend since my parents wouldn't let me go alone.
We got a hotel last time, and fit 7 people comfortably for around 100 bucks a person (100 for all three nights, total, that is).
Sign me up... We need as many people to go as possible, so we can just have a UM takeover of Baltimore. It would be bad ass if we could get like 15 or so people to go and just get 2 rooms.

I'm gonna start saving for the trip when I move into my apartment and get settled down, that way maybe I won't have to worry about running out of money on the last 2 days again.