Maryland Deathfest 2019

Is this a European victim complex? I have no idea what's happening right now.

I'm just backing off. Some people made fun of me for some reason. HBB said my grandfather was in WWII or something. That's because I'm from Europe, right?

Also, Ozzman said I should read a book. :tickled:

EDIT: Oh and you said I have brain damage.
Vyhni se opilému, jakož i bláznu.

That says avoid Goatmoon patches, same as Antifa action, for those who don't speak slavicdom.

EDIT: This saying is what keeps us from having arguments at metal festivals.
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If it was me I'd like to think I could've just turned the vest inside out, kept my cool and maybe moaned later. I have some music shirts depicting male genitalia, defecation, scantily-clad people, and a couple from bands with offensive songs in their past etc. so it's likely to happen eventually. Oddly enough they're basically all non-metal shirts and my metal shirts are rather innocuous.
As much as the guard was being ridiculous, it's definitely pretty pathetic that the guy with the patch complied and didn't instead try to take it higher up right there and then. Cucking to AntiFa only emboldens them, especially when you consider that these are the same activists who constantly try (and at times succeed) in getting shows cancelled.

These aren't people that mellow with victory.
To be fair the venue does have a dress code, still though the guard was being a dick and the patch itself isn't offensive.
A: The Ottobar does not have a specific dress code. You just need to be dressed and wear shoes. No clothing with wording or slogans that may be deemed offensive, homophobic, racist, etc will be permitted into the venue. We reserve the right to turn away patrons who may be wearing such items without issuing a refund. On occasion, spiked jewelry including but not limited to wallet chains, bullet belts, etc may be prohibited.
If it was me I'd like to think I could've just turned the vest inside out, kept my cool and maybe moaned later. I have some music shirts depicting male genitalia, defecation, scantily-clad people, and a couple from bands with offensive songs in their past etc. so it's likely to happen eventually. Oddly enough they're basically all non-metal shirts and my metal shirts are rather innocuous.
Yeah I would have done the same and just switched it back once I got inside the crowd.
Yeah I would have done the same and just switched it back once I got inside the crowd.

Yeah but what if he has a huge Hitler backpatch on the reverse side of the vest and he already had it inside out to cover for it, he just didn't expect a silly Goatmoon logo to blow it?
As much as the guard was being ridiculous, it's definitely pretty pathetic that the guy with the patch complied and didn't instead try to take it higher up right there and then.

Lol, go ahead and try the "let me speak to your manager" schtick with a bouncer and let me know how that works out for you
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Cucking to AntiFa only emboldens them, especially when you consider that these are the same activists who constantly try (and at times succeed) in getting shows cancelled.

These aren't people that mellow with victory.
Considering the security guard had authority granted by the festival host, I would say he had lesser chances to win an argument. Besides, SG can get violent at times and if the guy defended himself or anything, he would have been smashed to pieces by the rest of the guards. It's pretty much like getting tough with a cop.

Still, I would have never accepted being kicked out of the place for such a stupid reason. He probably should have called the police if he couldn't reach the management, but to spread the word about that antifa crap was definitely the right move.
Are you guys autistic? I'm not saying he should have started a fucking rumble, I'm saying instead of leaving the venue and wasting his own time and money, comply with the removal of the vest and then go straight to his superiors about it.

Getting violent or disruptive would have simply justified being kicked out.

Lol, go ahead and try the "let me speak to your manager" schtick with a bouncer and let me know how that works out for you

Lol I used to do work as a bouncer, my father ran bouncing for several clubs for decades, this is a totally different situation to that. The guard gave him options, if you know anything about bouncing you know that bouncers only approach once you've become disruptive or violent and they don't give you any options.
Onder is getting some sort of degree iirc. Problem for him is that he is an Eastern European with an alcohol addled brain and a better grasp of the English language than of the American zeitgeist, the latter of which he believes himself to be better an expert on than he is.
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I'm just backing off. Some people made fun of me for some reason. HBB said my grandfather was in WWII or something. That's because I'm from Europe, right?

Also, Ozzman said I should read a book. :tickled:

EDIT: Oh and you said I have brain damage.

I was barely even making fun of you, I just perceived that you might have a personal bias against anything Nazi-related on the grounds that you're Czech, don't know why that offends you, lol. Apparently you're just drunk as fuck. I don't understand why you're making this about being a European in general like that's some kind of discriminated-against class or something.
I was barely even making fun of you, I just perceived that you might have a personal bias against anything Nazi-related on the grounds that you're Czech, don't know why that offends you, lol. Apparently you're just drunk as fuck. I don't understand why you're making this about being a European in general like that's some kind of discriminated-against class or something.

Cool then. I don't know, I thought people were driven by some weird stereotypes so I started making fun of that, but I suppose those were just unwarranted personal attacks. Nevertheless, I'm not going to continue and I do regret opening this thread in the first place. :rolleyes:

Onder is getting some sort of degree iirc. Problem for him is that he is an Eastern European with an alcohol addled brain and a better grasp of the English language than of the American zeitgeist, the latter of which he believes himself to be better an expert on than he is.

Please stop. I've had enough. :cry:
Do you still look like a cute little pixie lesbo? From what I've seen, a lot of Czech men turn into these ugly bald bowling balls by their 30s.
Still a lesboid fuckpixie I guess.

I just realized that 'lesboid' is kind of like any -oid, but it's also like a les that got boi'd, so it works on multiple levels. I'm going to use that in the future when objectifying cute twinks, danke.