Maryland Deathfest 2019

Oh hey, guess none of you except Zabu (on saturday night) showed then?

These bands were the definite highlights imo:
-Immolation (x2)
-Anaal Nathrakh
-Tomb Mold
-The Chasm

Obviously some other good bands (Deicide and Brutality came close), but these are the ones who stole the show. Was a killer time and im now exhausted from all of the smoking, drinking, and moshing. Ill probably be down here next year, let me know if you guys want to have some fun instead of bitch about politics ;)

Didn't really take advantage of the merch stands that much, but I did pick up a few Chasm CDs and a gigantic Hell Awaits flag.

And for size, here is a pic of it on the wall with a vinyl:
Wish I could have made it, as a few of my friends were there this year. I've seen quite a few of the bands in previous years, but I would kill to see Mortician live.

No sympathy for the Goatmoon guy. Venues typically have policies against hate speech, and kicking out somebody for wearing a Goatmoon patch and refusing to cover it up more than reasonably fits under such guidelines. At least with acts like Burzum, there's a bit of ambiguity and room for debate. The other references in the blog post were pure strawmen. The patch wasn't (emphasis on scare quotes) 'hateful,' as the author wrote. Goatmoon is openly NSBM; it's their selling point. They played at the openly Nazi Night of the Long Knives festival ffs.

That the security guard was Antifa in this case has less to do with him making a personal ideologically driven move and more to do with him being able to identify symbolism that does not comply with the venue's standard on hate speech. Quite happy with seeing the blog post, tbh. Nice to see that the metal scene hasn't been overrun by a bunch of red-pilled, Nazi sympathizers, like a certain few posters here.
I'm a Nazi sympathizer?

Last week I had read some lefty journo claim that "guilt by association" was a white-washing misnomer and that "guilt of association" should be recognized as a legitimate accusation. It was in the context of Glenn Greenwald being a Nazi-enabler.
I'm a Nazi sympathizer?


No, but I do find it interesting you assumed I meant you.

Last week I had read some lefty journo claim that "guilt by association" was a white-washing misnomer and that "guilt of association" should be recognized as a legitimate accusation. It was in the context of Glenn Greenwald being a Nazi-enabler.

The left's relationship with Glenn Greenwald is, I think, the typification of a love-hate relationship. I get a kick out of the horror some express when Greenwald diverges from faction dogma, but the jokes stop when the Nazi card gets thrown out. There's however quite a bit of distance on the Nazi-enabling spectrum between Greenwald calling out the left on failed tactics to get rid of Trump and somebody wearing an NSBM patch.

No, but I do find it interesting you assumed I meant you.

The left's relationship with Glenn Greenwald is, I think, the typification of a love-hate relationship. I get a kick out of the horror some express when Greenwald diverges from faction dogma, but the jokes stop when the Nazi card gets thrown out. There's however quite a bit of distance on the Nazi-enabling spectrum between Greenwald calling out the left on failed tactics to get rid of Trump and somebody wearing an NSBM patch.

The accusation against Greenwald actually wasn't much about Trump but instead about his work as a defense attorney, where he had defended actual neo-Nazis against various lawsuits.
I find it interesting that you find it interesting, since I'm the main person in here defending the Goatmoon patch guy. I asked because of how retarded your comment was, thanks for clarifying.

Interesting that you find it interesting that I find it interesting, and that you sympathize with Nazi sympathizers. Thanks for clarifying your trolling of Ondra.

The accusation against Greenwald actually wasn't much about Trump but instead about his work as a defense attorney, where he had defended actual neo-Nazis against various lawsuits.

Ah, gotcha. Stronger case in that instance for the puritans to make, but still a bad one.
I'm a Nazi sympathizer?

Probably talking about me since being a 'noticer of certain trends and things' is equivalent with being a Nazi sympathizer to the 'woke' Left in 2019.

Is Onder a Jew or otherwise protected minority? I feel like I missed the Onder Defense League meeting.

Rumor has it he's a gypsy

ITT Europeans being cucks and not understanding why Americans are against it

Let alone the fact that we have a few American cucks on this board too but given how elections played out in the EU over the weekend, Europe may not be cucked for much longer
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Is Onder a Jew or otherwise protected minority? I feel like I missed the Onder Defense League meeting.

Wait what? Why does this matter?

Pisspants McEurofag needs to toughen up.


ITT Europeans being cucks and not understanding why Americans are against it

Wait what? Am I not the only European ITT? Then how am I being a cuck?

Let alone the fact that we have a few American cucks on this board too but given how elections played out in the EU over the weekend, Europe may not be cucked for much longer

What, how? Because Le Pen's party won over Macron's? Or because Orbán won in Hungary? What do you think is going to happen exactly?

I have so many questions, holy shit.
I think I'm more excited about the prospect of Nigel Farage being the next UK Prime Minister than anything else. The memes that will be generated from that are going to be gold.
I think I'm more excited about the prospect of Nigel Farage being the next UK Prime Minister than anything else. The memes that will be generated from that are going to be gold.

But why do you think that "Europe may not be cucked for much longer" due to the EP elections and what do you even mean by that in the first place?