Maryland Deathfest 2019

I went 6 years in a row. I did my time.
Probably not enough doom there for you anyways.

Wish I could have made it, as a few of my friends were there this year. I've seen quite a few of the bands in previous years, but I would kill to see Mortician live.

Totally worth seeing, shit was wild.

sympathize with Nazi sympathizers.

That isn't what is going on. Getting kicked out for wearing a patch is just stupid, and just because someone likes Goatmoon doesn't mean that they are a Nazi. Im sympathizing with a fellow concert goer who got kicked out because his clothes were deemed too offensive. I bet Nazis arent even involved. Except now Goatmoon just got a whole bunch of publicity. I don't really like supporting the more politically oriented NSBM bands (fortunately I don't like many of them), but im fine with people who do (unless they are doing it for the movement, but id have to ask them first). And from what I can tell from this incident, the dude's vest didnt have any Nazi propaganda slogans or anything so im willing to bet like most people who listen to music, he is just another fan of the band.

I know it's different, but it is kind of funny how metal arose during the Satanic panic era and fans embraced the edginess of the music, but now nationalist/racist metal is somehow too edgy and is completely unacceptable in any form.
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Probably not enough doom there for you anyways.

*Not enough pleb shit

I was going to say, he went for 6 years and the year he doesn't go it's the best lineup. Coincidence?

I know it's different, but it is kind of funny how metal arose during the Satanic panic era and fans embraced the edginess of the music, but now nationalist/racist metal is somehow too edgy and is completely unacceptable in any form.

They embrace the edginess as long as it doesn't go over their 'edge'
Wait what? Why does this matter?

BO seemed to imply that those trolling you were engaging in Nazi sympathy, in his saying "Thanks for clarifying your trolling of Ondra". I can understand (while completely disagreeing with) his argument that defending the wearing of a Nazi band patch at a metal festival is "Nazi sympathy", but I don't understand at all what "trolling you" has to do with Nazi sympathy. I feel like there's something missing here, which is what I had suggested at the start by bringing up the history of Czechs with Nazi occupation.
And from what I can tell from this incident, the dude's vest didnt have any Nazi propaganda slogans or anything so im willing to bet like most people who listen to music, he is just another fan of the band.

The Goatmoon patch was on a jacket that was mostly covered in black metal patches IIRC. So the context of the patch was black metal, not racism. If he had a full on white power jacket then that's a different situation.

Also only a brainlet cuck like BlackedOrifice would see this as Nazi sympathy when he knows full well we'd defend someone being kicked out for having a Stalinist band's patch on their jacket, or any other thing that could be controversial. GG Allin literally raped people and wrote songs about exposing yourself to kids, when will they start policing GG Allin merch? Probably never, but if they did I'd oppose it, would that make me a rape sympathizer? lol probably, in the eyes of social justice spastics like BO.
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I mean most of the headlines I've seen about shows being cancelled/relocated due to whiners are European bands trying to play the USA. Eg. the US was cancelling Marduk shows well before actual borderline racist bands started getting cancelled here. Ahead of the curve. :rofl:
Isn't that because ANTIFA made threats to Marduk shows, particularly on the coasts, and the club owners had to shut them down over legal concerns? Marduk is definitely considered neo-Nazi by some ANTIFA, which is all it takes. Though you did remind me that Mustaine kicked Rotting Christ off of a festival over their name.
Mustaine kicked Rotting Christ off of a festival over their name.
BO seemed to imply that those trolling you were engaging in Nazi sympathy, in his saying "Thanks for clarifying your trolling of Ondra". I can understand (while completely disagreeing with) his argument that defending the wearing of a Nazi band patch at a metal festival is "Nazi sympathy", but I don't understand at all what "trolling you" has to do with Nazi sympathy. I feel like there's something missing here, which is what I had suggested at the start by bringing up the history of Czechs with Nazi occupation.

But I never defended the Antifa guy.
That isn't what is going on. Getting kicked out for wearing a patch is just stupid, and just because someone likes Goatmoon doesn't mean that they are a Nazi. Im sympathizing with a fellow concert goer who got kicked out because his clothes were deemed too offensive. I bet Nazis arent even involved. Except now Goatmoon just got a whole bunch of publicity. I don't really like supporting the more politically oriented NSBM bands (fortunately I don't like many of them), but im fine with people who do (unless they are doing it for the movement, but id have to ask them first). And from what I can tell from this incident, the dude's vest didnt have any Nazi propaganda slogans or anything so im willing to bet like most people who listen to music, he is just another fan of the band.

I know it's different, but it is kind of funny how metal arose during the Satanic panic era and fans embraced the edginess of the music, but now nationalist/racist metal is somehow too edgy and is completely unacceptable in any form.

The Goatmoon patch was on a jacket that was mostly covered in black metal patches IIRC. So the context of the patch was black metal, not racism. If he had a full on white power jacket then that's a different situation.

Also only a brainlet cuck like BlackedOrifice would see this as Nazi sympathy when he knows full well we'd defend someone being kicked out for having a Stalinist band's patch on their jacket, or any other thing that could be controversial. GG Allin literally raped people and wrote songs about exposing yourself to kids, when will they start policing GG Allin merch? Probably never, but if they did I'd oppose it, would that make me a rape sympathizer? lol probably, in the eyes of social justice spastics like BO.

@EternalMetal Fair response. A couple of remarks to this. I doubt the guy in this case goose-steps in his free time. I can sympathize with the argument that for most who come across this band, that they're politically disinterested and are more attracted to the shock value of it. Ok, fair enough. The problem is, unlike lots of other types of bands, NSBM is explicitly political, unlike most metal. The guy chose to put this patch on his jacket over other acts (not sure where CiG is getting the extra details about the jacket he's referencing unless he's got another source). Why? Who knows, but it wasn't out of complete disinterest for the band, and, giving him the benefit of the doubt, maybe it had more to do with the shock value. That doesn't change the explicitly political message of the patch. This isn't Slayer and Angel of Death. Do you see this often at Slayer concerts? (0.50):

I'm not going to pour through Goatmoon videos to find legions of Hitler salutes, but using a Nazi flag with a goat instead of a swastika certainly makes it hard to make the claim it's more about shocking than politics, particularly if you're aware of the Völkisch foundation of Nazism (Not to mention songs like Sonderkommando Nord, Sonderkommando of which refers in its best case to the Luftwaffe, but likelier it refers to either the guards at Auschwitz or SS officers of the Einsatzgruppen (the special group of soldiers that gunned over a million unarmed Jewish prisoners into ditches).

What's the difference between this an GG Allin and other groups that do offensive things? Well, where he was born and performed plays into that (Antifa as a group involved in the music scene is much more of a Euro thing than in the US and it's essentially the left-wing punk rockers against the Nazi punks and Rechtsrock, as there is a Rechtsrock scene in Europe, as the first video indicates), and the fact that there was some political ambiguity to him--he was a disgusting punk in human form.

BO seemed to imply that those trolling you were engaging in Nazi sympathy, in his saying "Thanks for clarifying your trolling of Ondra". I can understand (while completely disagreeing with) his argument that defending the wearing of a Nazi band patch at a metal festival is "Nazi sympathy", but I don't understand at all what "trolling you" has to do with Nazi sympathy. I feel like there's something missing here, which is what I had suggested at the start by bringing up the history of Czechs with Nazi occupation.

It's just because he said he was defending the guy when his posts were just shitposts and anecdotes about security from his dad or whatever. I was trying to get a rise out of him, just as his shitposts were trying to do with others

Isn't that because ANTIFA made threats to Marduk shows, particularly on the coasts, and the club owners had to shut them down over legal concerns? Marduk is definitely considered neo-Nazi by some ANTIFA, which is all it takes. Though you did remind me that Mustaine kicked Rotting Christ off of a festival over their name.

Like I mentioned above, Antifa is much more a European thing, but the US rendition has an SJW flare to it that the Euro version is only starting to acquire. Marduk doesn't get shut out of places here exactly, but then Antifa here tend to have their own venues and clubs in which Marduk would never consider playing--nor would they be able to if they wanted.

Final quick remark and then I need to be on my way. Why is it that racist/nationalist bands cause a bunch of controversy, where as satanic and violent themes don't get a rise out of Antifa? It's called Anti-Fascist Action, and opposing racist/nationalist ideological groups is their central motivation for organization.
Why is it that racist/nationalist bands cause a bunch of controversy, where as satanic and violent themes don't get a rise out of Antifa? It's called Anti-Fascist Action, and opposing racist/nationalist ideological groups is their central motivation for organization.

Except when it comes to red-fascism then they're all in.

The guy chose to put this patch on his jacket over other acts (not sure where CiG is getting the extra details about the jacket he's referencing unless he's got another source). Why? Who knows, but it wasn't out of complete disinterest for the band, and, giving him the benefit of the doubt, maybe it had more to do with the shock value.


It's just because he said he was defending the guy when his posts were just shitposts and anecdotes about security from his dad or whatever.

The "anecdotes" came afterwards.

My first comment was pointing out that Onder, in a very braindead fashion, mischaracterized what happened as "two guys had an argument at a festival of 5000 people" rather than what it actually was.

Then I pointed out that Onder was kinda sperging out a bit and seemed very salty, then when I realized he was genuinely a bit mad I tried to just ignore him and lightly tease him, rather than try to get a real rise out of him for no reason.

Then I said capitulating to AntiFa types only incentivizes their idiotic activities and that the guy should have taken it to management.

Then Sirjack said some dumb shit about "woo hoo try that with bouncers bruh" and here we are. Thanks for trying though. :lol:

I was trying to get a rise out of him, just as his shitposts were trying to do with others

You failed miserably as usual.
My first comment was pointing out that Onder, in a very braindead fashion, mischaracterized what happened as "two guys had an argument at a festival of 5000 people" rather than what it actually was.

You mean it is some sort of worldwide conspiracy? :eek::rolleyes:

Antifa and fa, skinheads and hippies, anti-antifa with antifa and whatnot, have been having clashes since the beginning of times. This was just two guys, one was antifa activist, one was wearing a nazi patch. It's two radically different ideologies, I really don't find it surprising or unusual that they had an argument.

And again, before I get called a braindead "cuck" by some shitposters, I'm not defending the antifa guy. I think he was filling his own personal agenda while at work for the festival organization. You won't see me defend the patched guy either tho, if he knew the band he also knew what he was getting into so in the very least this was a provocation from him.

I hope this is a less braindead formulation, CIG, but you should start showing some respect to the lesboid Sinead because otherwise I'll pee on your face.

EDIT: And you know my post-piss dick-trickle.
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It's kind of a sweet looking vest though.

EDIT: The choice of patches would suggest he's a member of the NWN forum, but I'm afraid to go look there because over there a thread like this could already have 35 pages since the incident.
With all this "controversy", the guy should sell the vest on eBay as MEGARAR OOP 2019 VEST MDF INCIDENT MARDUK MAYHEM BURZUM .